2018年6月7日 星期四

Semester4 先修班

Section 1-Multiple Choice
1.__________ a newet in my underwear.
There is  /They're  /Theirs / Have
2. Are those _____ bicycles?
Yours /  mine/  ours / their 
3 No, I don't. I don't know ___ foreigners.
much / many /them / a
4 These are________.
his/ her /it /my.
5. I  ______   the answer.
Know/ listen/ play /homework
6. You take a shower______.
once a day/once a month / once a week/once a year
7. She's from______.
Taiwanese Thai Korea Chinese
8. Do you know a good English teacher?
Yes, I do. I know _____.
English/it/one/the answer
9.I have to _____at home.
hit my mother/listen to my recording/my notes/homework
10. This is______.
hers /our /their /my
11. She and her friend___ as pretty as flowers.
doesn't/ don't /are  /likes
12. She wants to______.
get a drink/  a bicycle /some fruit /any soda
13. We like___.
cook   go shopping  penguins play Mahjong
14. We ___ the MR T to school.
talk take like are
15.She ___ to English class by motorcycle.
  rides drives walks comes
16__ you make dinner for your family?
  DO. Are Is How
17.How____ money do you have?
much many any some
18.How __ faces do you see?
  much many do are
19.___ often do you clean your room?
  Who What Can How
20.Do you want a new sweather? No, I don't. I don't want _____.
 it.   one.   them.  sweather
21.The woman is angry __it is a naughty monkey.
because for but of
22. Do you __ my name?
no/ imo/ know /now
23.He comes to English class ___.
by bicycle /walk /on her father's car /in her father's car
24. Is our teacher _____
Taiwan /Japanese/ China /Canada
25___ giraffes your favorite animals?
Does /What's /Why/ Are
26. My cousin is as ___ as my sister.
girls/ like/ with /strange
27. I have____ in class.
sit up straight /pay attenation a /friend /test
28.I go to the library _____.
 buy myself /buy bicycle /by myself/ by bread
29.Our teacher ___speak a little Chinese
knows /knows how/ knows how to /monies a lot of
30. Do you like to ___?
   cooks/ football /a compuer /climb a tree
31.Do you___ make a funny face in class?
  like see ever  a boy
32. I want some ___.
  draw and paint/ go swimming/  water /make cake.
33.No, we don't. My family __has  dinner together.
usually/ sometimes/ ever /seldom.
34. I  go to the elementary school ___a week.
fifth /one /five times/ five times
35.No, he doesn't He's doesn't ask me __ questions in class.
 a /some/ many /much/
36.Yes, I do. I ___ draw and paint in art class.
seldom/ usually/ rarely /never
37.My father ___ drives me to school.
isn't  /doesn't. /  is /takes
38. Monkeys ___ naughty animals
are /can /is /not
Section 2 Finish the sentences.
1.what do you do at___________. 
2 __________. as a  monkey.
3__________speak loudly  in class?
4 She takes a __________to school. 
5 __________American or Australian?
6  I like to__________.
7 I want a__________.
8  How much ___do you know?
9 __________with knife and fork.
10__________his face in the morning.
11__________once a month.
12. My mother and father are as______.
13.__________by yourself.
14. There's__________.
15. You__________at the train station.
16. You__________at the library.
17. You wash your clothes 
18. You go shopping at__________.
19. You__________.at church.
20. You buy food at__________ Market
21.__________ at a barbershop.
23. You save money at__________
24. He fixes__________.
25. It's warm and__________.

Section 3
Fill in the blanks with "in" "on
1.School starts at 7:00__the morning.
2 We don't have English class__ Monday morning.
3 I study English____ Sunday.
4 We play Mahjong__the afternoon.
5I usually go to school___7:00.
6.The leaves fall to the ground__  November.
7. My mother washes her face___night.
8My birthday is___December fifth. 
Section 4 answer the questions.
1. Is there a spider above the lighter switch?
2.How many foreigners do you know?
3.How often do you borrow a book at the library?
4.How much candy do you want?
5 Why does your mother want you to learn English?
6. Does your family ever go to the movie toge ther?
7. Is science as interesting as computer class?
8. Does your mother ever watch television by herself?
9 What time do you usually have lunch?
10. What time does your mother usually get up in the morning?
Section 5 , written Questions根據回答寫出問題。
Red is my favorite color because it's lucky.
Our teacher is not Chinese or Canadian.
Mr. Chen teaches me English.
Yes, he does. He sits next to me
No, she doesn't. She doesn't take a bus to the supermarket.
Yes, it is. It's hers
No, she's not. My aunt is not as beautiful as my mother.
Yes, he does. My father sometimes uses a computer at work.
We have English class on Tuesdays and Fridays.
School starts at 7:45 in the morning.
Section 6-Translation
How do you get to school?
2 我喜歡早上做柳橙汁 
I like to make orange juice .
Do you like to go to night market with us?
Are those theirs.
5你在美國的親戚們多久來台灣一次 ?
How often do the America relatives come to Taiwan?
6我的父親沒有像我們的老師那麼不禮貌 。
My father isn't as impolite as our teacher.
How's the weather?
8 他的祖父每一天在麵包店買一些麵包。
His grandfather buy bread at bakery everyday.
There is a red envelope in the living room.
10 他跟他的孫子一起坐計程車去公園
He and his grandson go to the park by taxi.

