2018年6月7日 星期四


Lesson 97
1. What time is it?
     It's 7 o'clock.
2.How's the weather today?
    It's sunny today.
3. What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
     I usually wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning.
4.What time do you usually go to school?
     I usually go to school at  7:20.
5.How do you get to school?
    My mother take (drive) me to school.
   I walk to school.
   I take the MRT to school.
   I take a bus to school.
6. Do you take a bus to school?
    Yes, I do. I take a bus to school.
7. Does Justin ride his bike to school?
    No, he doesn't. He doesn't ride his bike to school.
8.Is your father a friendly guy?
    Yes,he is. He's a friendly guy.
9. Whose backpack is this?
     That is Patty's.
10. Is our teacher a rude teacher?
      Yes, he is. He's a rude teacher.
11.Who teaches you science?
      Mr. Chen teaches us science.
12. Who usually watches TV with you?
       My father usually watches TV with us.
13. Does Cathy practice English every day?
       Yes ,she does. She practices English every day.
14. How do you come to English class?
       I  walk to  English class.
       I come to English class by car.
15. Are you as tall as your father?
       Yes, I am. I am as tall as he is.
16. Is your mother a generous woman?
       Yes,he is. She's a generous woman.
17. Do lions chase other animals?
       Yes,they do. They chase other animals.
18. Does Leo use a computer every day?
       Yes, he does. He uses a computer every day.
19. Does your father kiss your mother every night?
      Yes, he does. He kisses her every night.
20. What time does your dad usually get up in the morning?
        He usually gets up at 8 o'clock in the morning.
21. Does Patty answer many questions in class?
       Yes, she does. She answers a lot of  questions in class.
22. What color are our teacher's pants?
        They are black.
23. Does your mom wash her hands before she cooks dinner?
Yes, she does.  She washes her hands before she cooks dinner.
24. Does your father drive you to school?
      Yes, he does. He drive me to school.
25. What time does your dad usually go to work?
       He usually go to work at 9 o'clock.
26. How does he get to work?
       He walks to work.
27. What time does your mom usually wake up in the
       She usually wakes up at 7 o'clock in the morning.
28. Are the teachers at ACES mean?
       No they're not.  They're not mean .
29. How does our teacher usually get to ACES?
      He walks to ACES.
30. Can you answer all of these questions?
      Yes ,I can. I can answer all of these questions.

