2018年6月17日 星期日


〈前言〉以動詞為中心來看句子。有些動詞很特殊,如Be動詞(連綴動詞)連接形容詞;而感官動詞look", "sound", "smell“, ”taste“, ”feel“ 也是接形容詞。使役動詞是命令方式其後接動詞原詞(BFV),也可接形(容詞。
例1 She often helps me do my homework when I don't understand.
When 時間子句(當…時間)表示主詞的動作時間。而help +動詞原詞類似使役動詞用法。
例2與 Do ..ever連用時
Does your mom ever make you take out the trash.
what time do you have dinner  with your classmates at school?
Where do you have dinner  with your classmates ?
Who do you have dinner  with at school?
Do you have dinner  with  your classmates at school?
Yes, I do . I have dinner with them at school.
結論 句子中的時間換 what time,人用who,地方用where代換時可轉換成不同的疑問句。
What time (When: when 子句/at time/ on day in the morning (after noon/evening)。
Where: (place) at地方。
Who  : with人或人
W問句+do does +主+usually+動詞…(地方/人/時)?
Where do you have dinner  with your classmates ?
Who do you have dinner with at school?
Do you have dinner  with  your classmates at school?
What time do you have dinner  with your classmates at school?
  make 之後除了接原形動詞當受詞補語之外,也可接形容詞或名詞
  1.My mom made me take out the trash.
   2 His poor grades make his parents angry.
 look, sound, smell, taste, feel 後面的補語必須為形容詞These cookies taste great.這些餅乾味道太棒了。
動詞 "look", "sound", "smell“, ”taste“, ”feel“ 若當作「看起來」、「聽起來」、「聞起來」、「嚐起來」、「感覺起來」解釋時,它們是連綴動詞,屬於不完全不及物動詞,而且補語只能為形容詞。
She looks gorgeous.
It sounds good.這聽起來不錯。
The medicine tastes bitter.這藥嘗起來有苦味。
That dish smells good.那盤菜聞起來不錯。
I feel tired.我覺得累。
〈三〉do you think that 子句(間接問句)
Do you think your father is a careful driver?
Do you think your mother  is as beautiful as a movie star?
〈四〉Do you ever.....?(曾經)
Are you ever tired  after P.E class?
Do your parents ever take you to theater?
Do you ever go to the supermarket with your mother?
Does your father ever make you take out the garbage?
Do you ever go to the supermarket with your mother?
   I am always at home on Sundays.
   He  usually plays computer games in his free time.
   How often does your mother wash the clothes?
ㄑ六.〉What should you do...
   What should you do before you go to bed?
〈七〉What do you want to be  when you grow up?
      What should you do before you go to bed?
  (1)  Is our teacher a patient teacher?
        patient teacher:是形容詞修飭名詞
   (2)   Does your teacher teach patiently?
        patient (adj) +ly=  patiently 是副詞修飭teach。
〈九〉 be動詞與一般動詞句型區別
    問句是倒裝法,把Be動或助動詞do does挪前至句首。
     What is your favorite subject?
    What subject do you like?
〈十〉what time (何時) 與how many times(幾次/回)
How many time do you have to tape the questions if you make a mistake in class.
What time do you usually go to school in the morning?
〈十一〉eat dinner /have dinnerㄧ齊用餐with xxx
Do you like to have( fish and rice for lunch)?
Do you always have dinner with your family?
What time do you always have dinner with your family?
Where does your family usually eat dinner?
〈十二〉be +as adjective as....同級形容詞比較
     He is as tall as his father.

