1. 句子依內容可分為:①直述句(肯定句、否定句、倒裝句) ②疑問句(yes/no問句、表示選擇的問句、wh問句、附加問句) ③祈使句 ④感嘆句(What/How開始的句子)
◼直述句時主詞在前、動詞在後(倒裝句型例外):We are happy.
Who are you? Why do you look so angry? Where are you going?
Do you have a car? Yes, I do. 或No, I don’t.
They don’t want to come to my party. Do you like my dress? I am not tall. I don’t like math.
◼祈使句要用原形動詞:Sit down. Stand up. Raise your hand.
◼間接問句(名詞子句當受詞時)不是問句,主詞、動詞不用倒裝。Please tell me what your name is.
◼祈使句的否定在動詞前面加Don’t或Never:Don’t give up. Never give up.
◼感嘆句的主詞與動詞放句尾,但常被省略:What a pretty girl (she is)! How interesting (it is).
①簡單句/單句(不含子句的句子):Tom is my son.
②複雜句/複句 (含一主要子句及從屬子句):I’ll go to bed after I finish my homework.
③集合句/合句(由對等連接詞連接兩個對等子句):He likes to play tennis, but I don’t.
Lucy is not my friend, but I will help her if she is in need.
①獨立子句:I want to buy it.
②對等子句:You are my friend and your brother is my friend, too.
◼有連接詞帶頭的子句是從屬子句:I was tired, so I went to bed early last night.
That the earth is round is true. (名詞子句當主詞,為單數,用單數動詞)
I don’t know where he lives. You may do whatever you like. (名詞子句當受詞)
The only problem is that we lost all our money. (名詞子句當主詞補語)
I think it strange that she has not come yet. (名詞子句當受詞補語)
The fact that she is a good teacher is well known. (名詞子句當the fact的同位語)
◼形容詞子句(又稱為關係子句),形容前面的先行詞(名詞):The house that I bought is old.
❶關係代名詞(who/whom/whose/that/which/whose that)子句:若關係代名詞當形容詞子句的主詞
時,此關係代名詞為主格不可省略(The farmers who are working are their parents.);若關係代名
詞當形容詞子句的受詞時,此關係代名詞為受格可選擇省略(The man whom she loved left her.)。
You must go back to the place where you were born. Summer is the season when people go to the beach. Tell me the reason why you don’t like me.
❶ S + V/be + O/N + 形容詞子句. She was the student who won the game.
❷ S + 形容詞子句 + V. (在這種句型要注意主要子句主詞與動詞單複數的一致性)
The farmers who are working are their parents.
The boy who won the first prize is my brother.
He failed the test because he didn’t study hard. = Because he didn’t study hard, he failed.
Though he is young, he understands the meaning. = He understands the meaning though he is young.
有五種基本句型:① S + Vi (He ran.) ② S + Vi + SC (Alice is a doctor.)③ S + Vt + O (The story interests me.) ④ S + Vt + IO + DO (Mother bought me a gift.) ⑤ S + VT + O + OC (The movie made me sad.)
句子(或子句)都要有主詞與動詞:I have a car. She is eating lunch. They have been to Japan.
句子的主詞或受詞一定是名詞或動名詞:He loves me. Seeing is believing.
有時不定詞(to + V原)也可以當受詞:He likes to swim.
7. 只有形容詞或名詞才能當補語。He is fat. He is a student.
8. 某處有某物要用There is/are + N的句型:There are forty students in the classroom.
①當主詞(She is beautiful.) ②動詞(Birds sing.) ③受詞(She hates me.) ④補語(He became a doctor.
We believe him honest.) ⑤修飾語(She seems happy.)
1. 名詞的種類可分成 ①可數名詞(可分為普通名詞watch/name、集合名詞class/family)
◼普通名詞為單數時,前面要有冠詞:She is a nurse.
◼普通名詞為複數時,字尾要加s或es:They are nurses. He has five watches.
不可數名詞為單數,但前面不可用冠詞(a/an),可用不定代名詞(any/some)或量詞(a piece of)。
③代名詞(人稱代名詞I/she、反身代名詞herself、相互代名詞each other、指示代名詞this/that、不定代名詞any/some、疑問代名詞who/what、關係代名詞that/which)。
2. 名詞的特性:①格(主格he/she、受格me/them、所有格his/their)②性(陰性sister/lady、陽性son/uncle、通性children/parent、中性flower/chair) ③數(可數名詞、不可數名詞)
3. 名詞在句中的功能,可當主詞或受詞或補語:I like you. He likes me. They are friends.
4. 定冠詞the:用於前面提過的名詞、特定的人事物、獨一無二的人事物、及用在最高級和序數前。
He will give the book to Mary. The earth moves around the sun. Who is the tallest student in this class?
1. 動詞的種類可分成:①規則動詞like/work與不規則動詞spend/keep②及物動詞與不及物動詞③普通助動詞(be、do、have用來形成否定、疑問、被動、完成、進行,其後面必須加原形V、過去分詞或現在分詞) ④情態助動詞(can/could、will/would、shall/should、man/might、must/had to後面必須使用原形動詞) ⑤使役動詞(make/let/get/have) ⑥感官動詞(hear/see) ⑦連綴動詞(be/become/turn/keep/grow/get/look/feel/sound/taste/smell等)。
✱ 及物動詞與不及物動詞
A. 及物動詞: ◼後面有受詞(名詞或動名詞或不定詞片語)的稱為完全及物動詞。
He likes me. I like playing basketball. I want to go home.
注意:◾有些及物動詞(teach、give、bring等)有兩個受詞,直接受詞(人)和間接受詞(物)。 I gave him a book.
◾只有幾個動詞(enjoy/finish/practice/mind/avoid)後面要接動名詞,除了這幾個動詞外,大致上,完全及物動詞都要接不定詞片語(to + V原)當受詞。
I practice playing the piano every day.
I want you to go home early.
We call him Jack. It makes us happy.
B. 不及物動詞:◼不需要受詞的稱為完全不及物動詞I know.
(但若要接受詞,則受詞前須有介係詞I can’t fly in the sky.)
He kept me waiting again. We sat together singing songs.
I heard my name called. Mary found her dog lost.
2. 動詞依時間來分:現在式、過去式、未來式;依狀態來分:簡單式、進行式、完成式、完成進行式
3. 動詞依語態來分可分成:①主動語態I broke the window.
The window was broken by me. Those girls are being asked to tell the truth.
The letter has been written by him.
4. 動詞依語氣來分可分為:
直述句(He is kind./Is he here?)、祈使句(Be kind)、假設句(If you were kind, they would like you.)
5. 句子為現在式時,動詞與主詞的人稱、數量必須一致:
He teaches us English. Jack and Jason are classmates.
6. 動詞依發生的時間及狀態必須做適當的改變:
I met my old friend last month. She has worked here for ten years. He is cooking in the kitchen now.
7. 助動詞後面用原形動詞。I will take a bus to Taipei.
8. 連綴動詞後面要接形容詞。He becomes tired.
9. 主詞第三人稱單數,現在是一般動詞要加s或es。Peter likes to watch TV.
10. 過去的過去要用過去完成式(had + P.P.)。When I arrived at the station, the train had already left.
11. 表示時間或條件的副詞子句要用現在式代替未來式:
When my father comes home, I will have finished my homework.
If it rains tomorrow, we will not go camping.
12. 與現在事實相反的假設語氣要用過去式:If I were you, I would tell the truth.
與過去事實相反的假設語氣要用過去完成式:If I had had money yesterday, I would have lent you.
13. 使役動詞後面用原形動詞,表示受詞主動去做某事:My mother made me clean my room.
使役動詞後面用過去分詞,表示受詞被…:I had my hair cut last night.
14. 使役動詞和感官動詞用於被動句時,後面原形動詞前要有不定詞to:
was made to clean my room.
15. 感官動詞後面用原形或現在分詞,表示受詞主動去做某事:She heard me sing/singing on the radio.
感官動詞後面用過去分詞,表示受詞被…:I saw a cat hit by a car.
16. 不定詞(當主詞、受詞、補語、形容詞、副詞)、分詞(呈現時態及語態、當形容詞用修飾名詞、作主詞補語或受詞補語)、動名詞(當主詞、動詞或介係詞的受詞)是由一般動詞變化而來的,但不可做為動詞用,其否定在前面直接加not。
1. 形容詞只修飾名詞,通常放在名詞前:They are good students.
若放在名詞後,有主詞、動詞時,則為形容詞子句。The boy who is standing there is my son.
2. 所有格後面一定要有名詞。He is my friend.
3. 現在分詞和過去分詞也可當形容詞用(此用法是由形容詞子句變化而來的)(參考四第16點)。
現在分詞有主動和進行的意思:That woman working for me is from China.
過去分詞則有被動和完成的意思:I received a letter written in English.
4. 形容詞可形成比較級與最高級。He is younger than I. He is the youngest student in this class.
5. 冠詞(a/an/the)、指示形容詞(this/that)、所有格(my/her)不能連續用來形容一名詞:
a friend of my = my friend。
6. 定冠詞接形容詞,表示那一類名詞的複數:the rich = rich people。
1. 副詞的功能:①修飾形容詞I am very sorry.
②修飾動詞The old lady walked slowly.
③修飾另一個副詞 He runs very fast.
④修飾主要子句:He stayed at home because he was sick.
⑤有些副詞可以修飾名詞、代名詞 Even a child can do that. He is out.
2. 副詞的種類:①情狀副詞(slowly/angrily)②頻率副詞(always/seldom)③程度副詞(quite/very)④時間副詞(today/then)⑤地方副詞(here/away)⑥疑問副詞⑦關係副詞
3. 副詞可形成比較級與最高級:
He runs faster than I (do). All the products are good, but this one works the best.
◼單字型的:and/or/but/so… ◼成對式的:both…and not only…but also
◼片語式的:as well as
◼引導名詞子句的:that/which/why/if… ◼引導形容詞子句的:who/which/when…
◼引導副詞子句的:when/if/because/so that/so…that…/as…as…/as if/although/while…
1. 介係詞後面要接名詞或動名詞當受詞:I can’t see without wearing my glasses. They are at school.
2. 介係詞可分為表示時間(in/on/at/before/after)、位置(in/on/at/under…)、方向(to/through/out of…)、其他(for/by with/without)