2020年10月3日 星期六

Semester6 bigtest practice

 Big test practice 本文

Section 1 -Fill in the Blanks -Use the following verb forms to fill in the blanks.(is isn't am, am not, are, aren't, do, don't, does, doesn't)

1) He___________like to eat meat. He only eats vegetables. doesn't

2) She___________ready to answer the homework. is

3) He___________a tall boy because he doesn't drink milk every day.


4) Although I'm often tired in class, I ____put my head on the desk.


5)  ______________________ you always do your homework?


6)______________________I a hard-working student?


7) I ________________too short to play on the school basketball team.


8) He________drinking a big cup of coffee. He doesn't like tea.


9)My teacher likes me because l_____a naughty student.

am not

10)______you walking in the park now?


11 ) ___________your father ever cook dinner for your mother?


12) You_______sometimes late for class.


13) ______they speak fast?


14) We_________want to give you any money. We don't like you.


15) ________your dog like to go outside?


16) You____a naughty student, so you sit in front of the teacher.


17) It ____feel so hot because it's raining.


18) There______seven books on my desk. I only see  four.


19) Tom______always practice his English notes.


Section 2-Use the correct form of the verb to fill in the blanks

1) (sing) She_____that song in the shower every evening.sings

2) (make) My mother can_____delicious cookies. make

3) (like) We don't ___to make mistakes because we have to record.


4) (write)  I____ the answer right now. am writing

5) (walk) The dog  ___  now because it's too tired to run. isn't walking

6) (read) He doesn't____the newspaper every morning. read

7) (wash) She always___her face before she goes to bed. washes

8) (be) There___a lot of diligent students in the classroom. are

9) (know) My friend____a lot of things knows

10) (be) I ___  always very tired when l get up in the morning. am

11) (go) My family and I____to the United States on vacation every summer.  go

12) (run) He can't___ because he is too fat. run

13) (wash) He____his face now. is washing

14) (sit) We_____in the living room now. are sitting

15) (dance) They_____at the party now. are dancing

16) (be) There____some ice cream in the kitchen. is

Section3- Write the correct letter in the blank space .

1. There___two pandas at the zoo.   B

     A) Is  B) are C) have D) has

2.____there many crazy kids at the party? B

A) is  B) Are  c) Have D) Has

3. Is there_____ candy in the convenience store? A

A) much.     B) many. C) a few   D  have

4. I don't____many toys.      D

A) there is B) much C) a little D) have

5. There isn't____ time to finish my homework.B

A) many B) much C) no D) have

6. There are___mistakes on my test. C

A) much. B) a little C) a few D) have

7.______there much coffee in your teacher's cup?A

A) Is B) Are C) Have D) Has

8. I only want____soda. I don't want to get fat. C

A) a lot B) much C) a little D) have

9. Are there____apples in the supermarket? A

A) many B) much C) a little D) have

10.There___some money in the bank. A

A) is B) are c) hava D) has

11.There aren't_____ people in the movie theater. D

A) have B) much C) a little. D) many

12.Are there many____in the department store? B

A) food B) toys C) restaurant D) jam

13.Is there much____in front of your house?  A

A) grass B) trees C) flower(D) dogs。

Section 4 Verb Tenses - 

Make six sentences with each verb: Simple Present Tense (SPT) and Present Continuous Tense (PCT).

Make affirmative sentences

SPT (eat)-We  eat dinner.

SPT (drink) You. You drink coffee

SPT (have)-He has a pen.

PCT (swim)-Your sister is swimming  in the pool.

PCT (dance) - I am dancing now.

PCT (play) -They ate playing.

Make negative sentences

SPT (wash)- They don't wash my car.

SPT (brush) She brushes her teeth.

SPT (put)-l put my head on the desk.

PCT (run)-Your father  is running now.

PCT (read)-I am reading my book

PCT (make) You are making 

Make questions

SPT (space out) - Does he space out?

SPT (yawn) - Do we yawn ?

SPT (yell at) - Do I yell at  her?

PCT (sweat)- I s your mother    sweating?

PCT (exercise)- are you exercising?

PCT (jog)- Am I jogging now?

Section 5-Adjectives and Adverbs

Full in the blanks with an adjective, comparative of adjective or adverb.

1. (interesting)  I think English is ___ than math.  more interesting

2. (patient) My father is___than my mother. 

3. (fat)  I think my dog is as___as a pig. 

4. (beautiful)  She is a___singer. beautiful

5. (ugly)  My dog is a lot___than your dog. 

6. (busy) Is your father___than your mother? 

7. (terrible) I always do my math homework. 

*8. (bad)Those children swim very_____. 

9. (good)  I can speak English very_____. 

10. (enthusiastic)  They don't study English as____as I do. 

11.(angry)That woman is shouting_____. 

12.(tall) Who is.____-your mother or your father? 

13.(wonderful)She is singing as___as her sister. wonderfully

14.(fast)  Cheetahs don't run slowly. They run really_____. 

15.(bored)That boy is____than the girl next to him. 

Section6 -Use the same adjective to make sentences with adjectives, as adjective as, the comparative of adjectives, adverbs and as adverb as.

1. busy


as (adjective) as___________________ 

comparative of adjectives_______________ 


as adverb as_____________ 

2. fluent


as (adjective) as:___________________ 

comparative of adjectives___________ 


as adverb as_____________

3. late


as (adjective) as______________

comparative of adjectives_____________


as adverb as:___________________ 

4. energetic 


as (adjective) as___________________ .

comparative of adjectives_____ .


as adverb as____________

Section 7 -Use "How long .or "How long does it take....? to make questions

answers with the following verbs

1. write five questions and answers



2. jog in the park



3. play games on your phone



4. make two chocolate cakes


5. take a vacation



Section 8 translations-  translate th following sentences. 











11.Fred 早餐通常吃比薩。

12 Jackie Chen打架很凶猛。


14 在百貨公司裡有很多的洋娃娃嗎?


I like to drink coca when I'm thirsty.

I'm swimming in the ocean.

Do you  speak as loudly as Bob?

I really hate to do My English homework.

Is your father  a safety driver?

Is dogs more friendly than cats?

English is more important than Art.

How long does it takes you to brush your teeth.

My mother  want me to be a hard-working student.

There is a Big dog on the road.

Fred usually eat pizza for breakfast.

Jackie Chen flights. fiercely.

Should you go to school on time?

Are there  a lot of dolls  in the department?

Is there  a lot of candy in the convenience store?

Section 9

Make Sentences

1. verb to be + noun I like to be a doctor.


2. COA  she's taller than Patty.


3. verb+adverb  He drives dangerously.


4. get+ noun     

________________________He gets a gift  .

5. probably+PCT. Probably he is swimming in the pool.


6. as adverb as.  He dances as well as Patty.


Section 10-Vocabulary

Section 11 -Before/After

9:00 Fred eats breakfast.

10:00 Fred surfs the Internet.

11:00 Fred plays video games.

12:00 Fred eats lunch.

1:00 Fred takes a nap

2:00 Fred reads comic books.

3:00 Fred watches cartoons.

4:00 Fred plays basketball with his friends.

5:00 Fred has dinner.

6:00 Fred watches a movie on HBOBig test 

1. What does Fred do before he plays video games?

He___________before he plays games?  surfs the Internet

2. Does Fred take a nap after he eats lunch?

Yes, he does. He_______after he eats lunch?takes a nap

3. Does Fred________before he has dinner? play basketball with his friends

No, he doesn't. He plays basketball with his friends before he______.

4. What does Fred do after he takes a nap?

     He__________ after he takes a nap. reads comic books

