2020年10月3日 星期六

Semester 5- Practice Test電子檔

 Semester 5- Practice Test電子檔

Section 1A- Use the following verb forms to fill in the blanks is, isn't, am, am not, are, aren't, was, wasn't, were, weren't, do, don't, does, does't, did,

1 My parents_______ angry when I broke the TV yesterday

so I was very happy.wasn't

2.  _______ you always do your homework as carefully as you


3.  We _______  want a new computer because we already have a computer.don't

4.He_____speaking really loudly now because his mother can't hear well.is

5._______she ever sing beautifully? ?does

6.I _____really hungry now because I didn't eat lunch today.am

7. I ___very energetic this morning because I drank a lot of coffee.was

8._____they eating dinner when the telephone rang last night?


9.He_____as fast as a cheetah, but he______faster than a horse.

(isn't is)

  *10.We ______  daydreaming now because the teacher is angry.


They ____naughty at their grandfather's house yesterday.  were

12.He  __tired last night at 11:00. was

13.___you prepare well for this test?Do 

14.He___  hit his sister last week.didn't

15. He____  listen carefully in class because he thinks class is boring.  doesn't 

16. They____ playing baseball when they broke the window yesterday. They were playing basketball.weren't

17. He___   playing baseball at 9:00 last night.was

18.He  ___drinking whiskey at the party because he had to drive.

( wasn't)

Section 1B-Use the correct form of the verb to fill in the blanks

19.(be)  I  _____  hungry now. am

20. (Iike)  That boy really____ to watch TV. likes 

21.  (be) There____ a big apple on the kitchen table. is

22. (write) I ____ composition now. am writing

23. (be) He ____tall enough to be a basketball player.is

24. (take) He___ a shower now. Is taking

25. (be) There ____a fittle pizza in the refrigerator last night.  was

26. (run)  He ___now because a girl is chasing him. is running

27. (shop)  They____at Sogo Department Store now. are shopping

28. (be)  He____upset when he saw his son's report card.  was

29.(study) They ____when their parents got home last night. was studying

30. (be)  They ___ugly or fat, so all the girls liked them. aren't

31.(teach)  My teacher____well last class. taught

32. (drop)He___ all his books last night. dropped

33. (practice) He___the piano at 7:00 last night. was practicing 

34. (burn) She ___her finger in the kitchen yesterday.burnt 

35. (draw) My sister ___a picture better than my art teacher did at the last art competition. drew

36. (finish) He never___ his homework. finishes

37. (daydream) He____ at 7:00pm yesterday evening. was daydreaming

38. (be)There___a lot of people at the sports competition last week. was

Section 2

Make four sentences with each verb: Simple Present Tense (SPT), Present Continuous Tense (PCT), Simple Past Tense ( Simple Past) and Past Continuous,Tense (Past Cont.).



SPT  He shops at the supermarket.

PCT   He is shopping now.

Simple Past-  He  shopped at the supermarket.

Past Cont. was shopping at the supermarket when I called.

2. play

SPT-  He plays baseball in the park.

PCT-  He is playingcbaseball in the park now.

Past- He played baseball in the park yesterday.

Past Cont. He was playing baseball when l got home.

3. talk

SPT  He talks to his his best friend .

PCT He is talking to his best friend now.

Past. He talked to his best friend  yesterday.

PCT.  He was talking to his best friend  at 7 o'clock last night

4. make

SPT-   exercising makes me tired.

PCT-   He is making a cake now.

Past-  He  made a big cake for me.

Past Cont. - He was making dinner when I got home

5. ring

SPT-   The phone rings.

PCT-    The phone is ringing.

Past - The  phone rang.

Past Cont.- The  phone was ringing when I got home.

Section 3-Use the same adjective to make sentences with adjectives, the comparative of adjectives, the superlative of adjectives and adverbs

給一形容词造四個句子 adjective / COA/SOA及adverb 

1. busy (Present Tense)

adjective:   He is a busy  student.

comparative of adjectives: He is busier than Patty.

superlative of adjectives: He's the most busiest in my class.

adverb:  He works busily everyday.

2. terrible (Past Tense)

adjective:  it is a terrible day.

comparative of adjectives:  Today  is more terrible weather than yesterday.  

superlative of adjectives: The most terrible day is final test.

adverb:  He hit the dog terribly because it is crazy.

3. good (Present Tense)

adjective:  He is a good cook.

comparative of adjectives: He is a better cook than Emma.

superlative ofadjectives:  He is the best cook in my family

adverb:  He cooks well.

4. wonderful (Past Tense)

adjective:  He is a wonderful student.

comparative of adjectives: He is more wonderful than Patty.

superlative of adjectives: He is the most wonderful in my class.

adverb: He cooks wonderfully.

5. patient (Present Tense)

adjective:  He is a patient person

comparative of adjectives: He is more patient than Sunny.

superlative of adjectives: He's the most patient in my class.

adverb: He writes patiently.

Section 4-Fill in the blanks with an adjective, comparative of adjective, superlative ofajectives, adverb or comparative of adverbs.

adjective / COA/SOA及adverb 或副詞比較級

1. (tired)  He felt______this morning. tired

2.(hard)  My brother studies______.hard

3. (handsome) My mother thinks Tom Cruise is____ than my English. teacher.more handsome

4. (bad) My English is _______ than my Chinese.better

5. (diligent) Bob was. ___than his sister last year.more diligent

6. (tall) Dan is ______teacher at ACES English School.the tallest

7.(good) I am a_____ basketball player than my brother.  ?better

8. (busy) My father was___ person in my family yesterday. the busiest

9. (difficult)  English is____ language to learn.the most difficult

10.(beautiful) Yang Ming Mountain is_____ mountain in Taiwan.

the most beautiful

11.(fast)  A cheetah is____ than a horse.faster

12.(good) Are you_____dancer in your family? the best

13.(bad) I think Bruce Willis is___ actor in the world.the worst

14.(high)  Superman was flying____ when I saw him yesterday.  high

15. (good) My mother is a ___cook than my father.


16.(ugly)   A pig is___ than a dog. uglier

17.(angry)  My mother is shouting at my sister very___ .angrily

18.(sensible) My father buys things___when he goes shopping. sensibly

19.(bad) My brother usually does___ on his tests.


20.(pretty) My mother is a very__woman. pretty

21.(enthusiastic) My mother checked my homework___. yesterday.  enthusiastically

22.(accurate) That woman can't translate sentences very___. accurately

23.(romantic)Those two people are kissing very__.  romantically

Section 5-Vocabulary (Chinese/English and English/Chinese)


Section6.動詞 變化

Base Form     V+S           V+ing.   V+ed.         中文

bite.                  bites.         biting.   bite.          





4.Eric 是我班上最瘋狂的男孩。







1.There was a typhoon in Taipei last week.

2.Making China angry is dangerous.

3. My parents was arguing when I got home.

4. Eric is the most craziest boy in my class.

5.Who's the worst teacher in your Chinese school?

6.When was the last time you went to the bakery?

7.My father works carefully yesterday.

8. Were you watching TV at 9 o'clock last night?

9.  I practiced the piano for two and a half at  last week the afternoon.

10.  Were your friends chatting when your teacher came to clasroom?

Section8-Side by Side (Fill in the blanks)

1.A: What's the matter with him?

B: He has a___.   headache

2. A: May I help you?

B:Yes, please. I want to buy a ___ car. good

A: I think you'll like this one. It's very_____.good

B: Don't you have a____ car. better

A: No, I'm afraid not. This is_____one we have.

the best 

3. A:I think your friend Kevin is very___. nice

B: He certainly is. He's____ person I know.  the nicest

4. A: I saw you yesterday, but you didn't see me.

B: Really? When?

A: At about 2:30. You_____.

were getting off a taxi on Main Street.

B: That wasn't me. Yesterday at 2:30  I __________. was cooking dinner.

5. My old car was quick. My new car is _______yesterday?  quicker

6. A: Could your classmate________ yesterday. 

buy a drink at the bar 

B: No, he couldn't. He was too young.

