2018年8月31日 星期五


Lesson 120
1.How often do we have homework?
  We have homework once a month.
2.What are you afraid of?
     I afraid of spider.
3.Does your social studies teacher ever tell you stories about history?
   Yes , he does. He always tell us stories about history.
4. Do your parents ever take you to a restaurant?
    Yes ,they do. They sometimes take me to a restaurant.
5. Are there any smart students in our class?
     Yes ,there are. There many smart students in our class.
6. Is there an airport in Taipei?
    Yes, there is. There is an airport in Taipei.
7. What does Emma like to talk about?
     She always likes to talk about doll.
8. How do you get to school?
     I get to school by car.
9. Does your father take the MRT to work?
    Yes, he does. He takes the MRT to work.
10. How does he get to work?
       He get to work by MRT.
11. Who brings you to English class?
     My mom brings me to English class.
12. Are you scared of ghosts?
        Yes, I am. I am afraid of ghosts.
13. How many people are there in your family?
       There are 5 people on my family.
14. What do you usually take to school?
       I usually take a dictionary to school.
15. Do tests make you nervous?
      Yes, they are. They're make me nervous.
16. Does our teacher ever tell you to pay attention?
       Yrs, he does. He sometimes tells me to pay attention.
17. Are there any elephants in the Taipei Zoo?
       Yes, there are. There are many elephants in the Taipei Zoo.
18. Are you hungry?
      Yes, I am. I'm hungry.
19. How does my hair look?
        It looks fine.
20. Does  Justin ever take your eraser without asking?
      Yes, he does. He always take my eraser without asking.
21. Is your mother scared of bugs?
       Yes,she is. She is scared of bugs.
22. Does Emma ever talk to animals?
       Yes, she does. She always talk to animals.
23. Is there an air conditioner in your bedroom?
       Yes, there is. There is an air conditioner in my bedroom.
24. Are there any sharks in the river?
       Yrs, there are. There are many sharks in the river.
25. Does Emma ever tell a lie?
       No, she doesn't. She never tell a lie.
26. What does your teacher do when you make a mistake?
       He always keep me standing when I  make a mistake.     
27. How often does your father make dinner?
      He makes dinner once a month.
28.Does everybody have to answer these questions?
      Yes, he is. everybody have to answer these questions.
29. Is this homework as difficult as the last homework?
       Yrs, it is. It's as difficult as the last homework.

2018年8月18日 星期六

There be 句型整理

Make Sentences
There is /there are
    There is a book under the chair.
    There are many apples on the table.
convenience store (affirmative)- There's a convenience store near ACES.
lazy students (negative) - There aren't any lazy students in our class.
1.dangerous sharks (affirmative)
3.buildings ( negative)
4 a cockroach(question)
6. an old man (negative)
There be 句型用法 (there be +主詞+位置)
There is are+主詞+地方(位置),表示某地有某物,強調存在之意。
There is a monkey in the zoo.
There are four monkey in the zoo.
There are some  monkey in the zoo.
There are many monkey in the zoo.
There are  a lot of monkey in the zoo.
There are  a few monkey in the zoo.
How many people are there in your family?
Are there any naught students in your class?
There is a lot of traffic, air pollution in Taipei.
There is some bread in the kitchen.
There be句型
There be 的句子變化
1)肯定句there is there are
2)否定句 there isn't there aren't
3)問句  is there....? Are there....?
1)There is / are為「有」之意,用於說明「在某處」存在「某人事物」。
 「單數」,則與“there is”連用      ;「複數」,則與“there are”連用。
(3)there is / are之後的「名詞」不與the連用
(4)There is可縮寫為There’s:
例:There’s a monkey on the horse’s back.(馬的背上有隻猴子。)
(1)There is not = There’s not = There isn’t;There are not = There aren’t
例:There are some koalas over there.(在那裡有一些無尾熊。)
例:There aren’t any birds in the tree. (樹上沒有鳥兒。)
例:There isn’t an elephant over there. (那裡沒有大象。)
例:There aren’t many comic books in his bag. (他的袋子裡沒有很多漫畫。)
(4)“not+a / an+單數名詞”或“not any+複數名詞”可以“no+名詞”改寫。
例There isn’t a chair in this room. = There’s no chair in this room.  (這房間裡沒有椅子。)
例:There aren’t any foxes here. = There are no foxes here.(這裡沒有狐狸。)
(1) 在「問句」中,“a”或“an”與「單數名詞」連用,詢問「某處有…嗎?」,而「複數名詞」則常與“any”、“many”或「數字」連用。
例:Is there a tree in front of their house?(他們的屋子前面有棵樹嗎?)
例:Are there any students in the classroom?(教室裡有學生嗎?)
例:Are there many big animals in Taipei Zoo?
(2)「肯定簡答」不可縮寫:例:A: Is there a teacher behind the students?
B: Yes, there is.(A:學生們的後面有位老師嗎?
1.Yes, there are some markers in his bag.(造原問句)
Are there any markers in his bag?
2.Is there a cat under the sofa?(肯定簡答)
Yes, there is.
3.Is there a koala in the koala house?(以數字八詳答)
No.  There are eight koalas in the koala house.
4.Are there any cats at your school?(否定簡答)
No, there aren’t.
先了解以上there be的句子變化 ,再詳細把"地方位置"的介詞片語及名詞前置的冠詞、形容、數量詞了解。
1〉介詞片語  (地方副詞)
You can learn English.搭配不同的「介片」來讓句子變長或意思擴充。
You can learn English from a book.你可以從書上學英文。
You can learn English at school. 你可以在學校學英文。
分析:at在,school學校,at school中間沒有冠詞a/the表示school是不可數名詞,有特殊意思,表示「上學」,和at the school(在學校那裡)不一樣。
at school是介片當地方副詞,說明learn的地點。 
You can learn English in the morning. 你可以在早上學英文。
分析:in在…裡,morning早晨,in the morning是慣用語,在早晨,是介片當時間副詞,說明learn的時間。
You pray at church.
You learn at school.
You save money at a bank.
a/an ,the或所有格置于單數名詞之前,表示特殊、限定的一個。
(1)單數名詞必有a/an ,the或所有格,否則它就是不可數。
(2)不可數名詞視同單數用法,用 is。
液體及面包、酒類、抽象名詞等 air pollution, money , bread, pizza,homework。
     teaches, watches ,potatoes, tomatoes  pianos, zoos
(4)the 的有無
You can learn English at school. 你可以在學校學英文。
    at a school  在一個學校(在學校)
    at school 的用法視 school 為不可數作抽象名詞的上學。
指的是she he it 等單數代名詞,其実反过來說除了I 及you 以外的單數。如your mother,Jack 人名,this these等皆是。
Some是在positive sentence 裡,用於物品存在,但不知確切數量的時候。
any 則是用在否定的句子 negative sentence。
some 和 any 的差別在於後面可加可數或不可數名詞。
一點點(些些)也有區別(理頭接不可數,有feel 接可數)
A few people visit the museum.
a little+不可數名詞+動詞(單數)
A little oil is in the tank.(油箱中只有一點點油)
I want some apples.
5〉合併there is/are與 much/many
(2)be動詞之後的名詞為「主詞單數,則與“there is”連用 ;「複數」,則與“there are”連用。
(3)there is / are之後的「名詞」要說明「某物」的數量則單數名詞與不定冠詞“a”或“an”連用,而「複數名詞」則可與「數字」,many或some連用。
(4)There is可縮寫為There’s:
例:There’s a monkey on the horse’s back.(馬的背上有隻猴子。
(5)Are there (is there)疑問句
Are there any students in the classroom?(教室裡有學生嗎?)
例:Are there many big animals in Taipei Zoo?(台北動物園有許多大型動物嗎?)
there be  句型
there is +a +SCN…
there is +much +UCN…
there are+many +PCN…
Are there many + PCN?
Are there many toys in your bedroom?
No, there aren't. There aren't many toys in my bedroom.
No, there aren't. There aren't any toys in my bedroom.
Is there much +  UCN?
Is there much traffic on the highway on Sundays?
Yes, there is. There's a lot of traffic on the highway on Sundays.
No, there isn't. There isn't much traffic on the highway on Sundays.
There be 句型練習
Are there any little dogs in the dog house?
2.A:獅子附近有隻大象嗎? B:是的,有。
A: Is there an elephant near the lion?  B: Yes, there is.
3.A:你的鉛筆盒裡有任何彩色筆嗎? B:不,沒有。
A: Are there any markers in your pencil case?  B: No, there aren’t.
4.A:這裡有四隻袋鼠嗎? B:不。有六隻。
A: Are there four kangaroos here?  B: No.  There are six.
(B) 1.Is there______ elephant over there? 
      (A) a(B) an(C) no(D) the
(A) 2.There is _____ dog in the house.
      (A) no(B) an(C) the(D) our
(C)3.There aren’t _____ books under the sofa.
      (A) no(B) some(C) any(D) the
(D)4.Are there ________ erasers in your pencil case?
     (A) no(B) some(C) the(D) any
(D)5.A: Is there a little rabbit behind the sofa?
        B: (A) Yes, it is.(B) Yes, there are.(C) Yes, they are. (D) Yes, there is.
There is a girl dancing under the tree.
(There is /There are +名詞 +動名詞 +地方副詞)
There are three birds singing in the tree.
1.There are some lions behind the tigers.(改為否定句)
There aren’t any lions behind the tigers.
2.There isn’t a school near here.(以no改寫句子)
There is no school near here.
There aren’t any birds in the tree.
There isn’t an eraser under the desk.
There aren’t seven kangaroos over there.
There aren’t many houses next to the school.