2018年2月5日 星期一

Semester3 sentence summary

Sentences 3 


positive sentence 裡,用於物品存在,但不知確切數量的時候。
any 則是用在否定的句子 negative sentence,用於和數量不太有關。

some 和 any 的差別在於後面可加可數或不可數名詞。

                 單數 不可數  複數   問句 否定  肯定
any                                               *         *         x
some.                                          x.        *.       *
a little.         x       *          x     
a few.                               *
few.                                  *
little.                     *

一點點(些些)也有區別(理頭接不可數,有feel 接可數)

A few people visit the museum.

a little+不可數名詞+動詞(單數)
A little oil is in the tank.(油箱中只有一點點油)


positive sentence 裡,用於物品存在,但不知確切數量的時候。any 則是用在否定的句子 negative sentence,用於和數量不太有關。

I want some apples.

What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
I usually wake up at 7:00 in the morning.
(問時間時用at? o'clock)

Is your sister as shy as you are?
Yes, she is. She's as shy as I am. (be動)
No, she's not. She's not as shy as l am.
I'm not as shy as she is.

How do you come to English class?
I walk to English class.
Do you come to English class by yourself?(自身)
Yes, I do. I come to English class by myself.
No, I don't. I don't come to English class by myself. I come with my mother.

Do you ever practice English with your mother?(曾經)

Where do you usually eat lunch?(eat)
I usually eat lunch at school.
I sometimes eat lunch at school, and I sometimes eat lunch at home.

Who do you have breakfast with?

I have breakfast with my friends.
I have lunch with my classmates at school.

Does your mother want you to do your best?(want to)

Yes, she does. She wants me to do my best.

Why does she want you to learn English?
She wants me to learn English because it's an international language.

What your favorite subject?
Art is my favorite subject because I like to draw and

What do you have to do in class?
I have to pay attention in class.
I have to sit up in class.
I have to speak loudly in class.
I have to speak clearly in class.

How often does your mother wash the clothes?
She washes them about three times a week.

What does your teacher do when you make a mistake in class?
He corrects me and makes me record when I make a mistake in class.

Do you ever make your teacher angry?
Yes, I do. I always make my teacher angry.
No, I dont. I never make him angry. I'm a good and attentive student.
Do vegetables make you healthy?
Yes, they do. They make you very healthy.
Does ice cream make you fat?
Yes, it does. It makes you fat, but it tastes good.

Do boring movies make you want to sleep?
Yes, they do. They make me want to sleep.

PLACES p22,~35

Where do you live?
l live on Minaheng East Road.
I ive on Nanjing East Road near McDonald's.

Do you ever go to the supermarket with your mother?
Yes, I do. I usually go to the supermarket with her.
No, I don't. I never go to the supermarket with her.

Does our teacher ever correct your pronunciation?
Yes, he does. He often corrects my pronunciation.
No, he doesn't.He rarely corrects my pronunciation.

Do you ever go to the supermarket with your mother?
Yes, I do. I usually go to the supermarket with her.
No, I don't. I never go to the supermarket with her.
Do you ever feel nervous in English class?
Yes, I do. I often feel nervous in English class.
No, I don't. I seldom feel nervous in English class.

How do you feel?
I feel great.
I feel tired.
l feel excited.

How does Ricky look?
He looks short.
2 How does the look?
look (adjeetive)
Yes, he does .He looks (adjective)
No, he doesn't. He doesn't look (adjective)

You look happy= You are happy
The music sounds good. = The music is good.
The food tastes disgusting.=The food is disgusting.

Key Point
The sensory verbs are like "be" verbs. They are often folowed by an adjectve
There's a convenience store near my house.
There's a temple next to my school.
There's a night market in my neighborhood.
There are thirty students in our class.
There are five people in my family.
There are a lot of chairs in our classroom
There are lots of trees on___ Mountain.
Are there any good books in the library?
Yes, there are. There are a lot of good books in the library.
Yes, there are. There are some good books in the library .
Yes, there are. There are a few good books in the
Yes, there are. There are____good books in the library.
Yes, there's one good book in the library.
No, there aren't. There aren't any good books in the library
No, there aren't. There are no good books in the library.


There's a park across from my school.
There are a lot of kids in the park today.
There's a zoo in Taipei.
There are a lot of animals in the zoo.
There's a bus stop in front of my house.
There are a few people at the bus stop now.
There's a supermarket next to the police station.
There are some policemen in the supermarket now.


Is there any money in your pocket?
Yes, there is. There's a lot of money in my pocket.
  a little 
No, there isn't. There's no money in my pocket
No, there's not. There's not any money in my pocket.
is she right or wrong?
She's right.
She's wrong.
I'm not sure.

1.Are you scared of sharks?
Yes, I am. I'm really scared of sharks.
2. Are you afraid of ghosts?
No, I'm not. I'm not afraid of ghosts. I don't believe in
3. What are you scared of?

afraid of
I'm scared of bugs.
I'm not afraid of anything. I'm very brave.
I'm scared of

Do your parents ever take you to the movies?
Yes, they do.They sometimes take me to the movies.
No, they don't. They seldom take me to the movies.
Take(noun)to a place)
Take + (noun)
May I take a piece of candy?
Yes, everybody can take one piece.
Yes, everybody can take two pieces.
Take (transportation) to (a place)
How does your father get to work?
He takes s taxi to work.
a train

.............summary up to p35
Who brings you to English class?
My mother usually brings me to English class.
Nobody brings me to class. I come to class by my self.
Do you always remember to turn off the lights when you go out?
Yes, I do. I always remember to turn them off when I go out.
No, I don't. I don't always remember to turn the lights off when I go out.
Do you ever forget to do your homework?
Yes, I do. I sometimes forget to do my homework.
No, I don't. I never forget to do my homewok.

Does your mother ever talk to your teacher?
She talks to my teacher when I have a problem.
No, she doesn't.She never talks to my teacher.
She's afraid to speak English.

Does your social studies teacher ever tell you stories about history?
Yes, he does. He often tell us  stories about history.


What would you like? =what do you want?
I would like a banana=.I want a banana.
I would like some grapes. = I want some grapes.
I'd like some watermelon. = I want some watermelon.
What would you like? = what do you want?
I would like a/an (SCN). = I want a/an (SCN).
I would like some (PCN). = I want some (PCN).
I'd like some (UCN)=  I want some (UCN).

Would you like a guava?
Yes, I would. I'd like one. Thank you.
No, thanks. I'd like a _____.

Would you like some strawberries?
Yes, I would. I'd like some. Thanks
No, thanks. I'd like some______.


Would you like some pineapple?
Yes, I would. I'd like some. Thank you.
No, thanks, I'd like some _____.
           ( UCN)

Would you like a piece of watermelon?
Yes, I do. I'd like a piece. Thank you.
No, thanks. I don't really like watermelon.

. How do carrots taste?
They taste delicious.
Yes, they do. They taste really disgusting.
No, they don't. They don't taste like oysters 

Where is your father?
Are you as tall as your brother?
Do you run quickly?
My father is at the supermarket.
I'm as tall as my brother
I run quickly

l don't run quickly.
I'm not as tall as my brother
My father isn't at the supermarket.


How does it take (somebody) to verb?

It takes (me him/her) time to verb.
verb  (somebody) time.

How long does it usually take you to do your homework?
It usually takes me about_____to do my homework.
leaves her house at 7:30 in the morning.


" be" is  the base form verb of 'is, am" and "are"
when do we use a base form verb?
We use a base form verb after to, can, should" and 'would" and the helping verbs " do ,does did and "doesn't".
1.Do you want to be a teacher when you grow up?
Yes Ido. Iwant to be a teacher when I grow up.
No, I  dont. I don't want to be a teacher when I grow up. I want to be a doctor.
No, I don t. I don't want to be a teacher when I grow up. I want to be a nurse.
I want to be a policeman
I want to be a businessmar
I want to be the President
2 Does your mother want you to be a good boy? (girl)
course, she does. She wants me to be a good boy.
3.Do you want to be the best student in your class?
Yes, I do. I want to be the best student in my class.
No, I don't want  be the best student in my class. I just want to do my best.
4. Let's pretend to be animals.
What do you want to be ?
I want to be a bear.

Do you want to be happy?
Yes, I do. I want to be (adjective)
No, I don't. I don't want to be (adjective).
Does your father want you to be diligent?
healthy polite
rude unhappy
Yes, he does. He wants me to be (adjective).

Is there a bookstore in your neighborhood?
Yes,there's a bookstore on____Road/Street,across from the 7 -11.
No, there isn't. There isn't a bookstore in my neighborhood. near my house.

I take a shower before I go to bed.
I eat breakfast before I brush my teeth.
What do you do before you go to bed?
I take a shower, brush my teeth and put on my pajamas before I go to bed. 
Do you usually eat breakfast before you go to school?
Yes, I do. I usually eat breakfast before I go to school.
No, I don't. I don't usually eat breakfast before I go to school. I usually buy my breakfast on the way to school and eat it at school.

How long do you (verb) for?
1. How long do you usually sleep for?
I usually sleep for eight hours.
2. How long do you sleep for on Saturday nights?
l usually sleep for ten hours on Saturday nights.
3. How long do you usually watch TV for?
I usually watch TV for about an hour a day.
4. How long do you practice the piano for?
l practice the piano for an hour each time.
No, he doesn't. He doesn't want me to be (adjective).

What do you do after you wash your face in the morning?
I eat breakfast after I wash my face in the morning?

Do you take a nap after you eat lunch?
Yes, I do. I take a nap after I eat lunch.
Do you take a shower after you put on your pajamas?
No, I don't . I don't take a shower after put on my pajamas. I puton my pajamas after my it take s shower.

2.Do you_____ after you_____?
Yes, I do. I_______ after__.  I ____ after___.

in the morning

1. Do you brush your teeth before or after you eat breakfast?
I brush my teeth after I eat breakfast.
2. Do you wash your face before or after you eat breakfast?
I wash my face before I eat breakfast.

We use "How long does it take...?" and "It takes.." for things

How long do you (verb) for?

1. How long do you usually sleep for?
I usually sleep for eight hours.
2. How long do you sleep for on Saturday nights?
l usually sleep for ten hours on Saturday nights.
3. How long do you usually watch TV for?
I usually watch TV for about an hour a day.
4. How long do you practice the piano for?
l practice the piano for an hour each time.
5. How long does your mother usually exercise for?
She usually exercises for half an hour
She never exercises
6. How long does your father usually work for?
He usually works for nine hours a day.

1.How Lon g do you usually review your English notes for?
I usually review my English notes for twenty minutes.
2. How long do you usually ride your bicycle for?
I usually ride my bicycle for about an hour
3. How long does your mom usually let you play video games for?
She usually lets me play video games for half an hour.
4. How long does your mom usually go shopping for?
She usually goes shopping for about two hours.


We can use 'many" with plural countable nouns in questions and but we usually use "a lot of" in affirmative sentences.

Are there many computers in your school?
Yes, there are. There are a lot of computers in my school.
No, there aren't. There aren't many computers in my school.
No, there aren't. There are just a few computers in my school.
No, there aren't. There aren't ANY computers in my school.
Are there many toys in your bedroom?
Yes, there are. There are a lot of toys in my bedroom.
No, there aren't. There aren't many toys in my bedroom.
No, there aren't. There aren't any toys in my bedroom
No, there aren't. There are no toys in my bedroom.


We can use "much" with uncountable nouns in
but we usually use "a lot of in affirmative sentences.

1. Is there much traffic on the highway on Sundays?
Yes, there is. There's a lot of traffic on the highway on Sundays.
No, there isn't. There isn't much traffic on the highway on Sundays.
No, there isn't. There's just a little traffic on the highway on Sundays
No, there's not. There's no traffic on the highway on Sundays.
No, there isn't. There isn't any traffic on the highway on Sundays.
2. Is there much crime in Taiwan?
Yes, there is. There's a lot of crime in Taiwan.
No, there's not. There's not much crime in Taiwan.
No, there's not. There's just a little crime in Taiwan.
No, there's not. There's no crime in Taiwan.
No, there isn't. There isn't any crime in Taiwan.
Is there much water in the swimming pool?
Yes, there is. There isn't a lot of  water in the swimming pool.
No, there isn't. There isn't much water in the swimming pool.
No, there's not.There isn't any water in the swimming pool.
No, there isn't. There's no water in the swimming poot

