2018年2月5日 星期一

Notes69 解析双重所有格)

Are Sunny and Patty Emma and my classmates?
(Sunny和Patty Emma和我的同學?)
Yes, they are(前二者). They're your (後二者的)classmates.
No, they aren't. They aren't your classmates. They're your friends.
所有Be動詞句型: ++補。
Sunny and Patty (主)前二者
Emma and my classmates(補語)後二者。
雙重所有格用法A and  B's  是指A與B共同擁有的,僅後者用所有格就可以。
反之,例如 Emma's and Molly's teachers 表示兩人各
以現況例 Jimmy is Patty and Molly's teacher.
(Jimmy 是Patty  及Molly  的老師)。而老師僅Jimmy一人而已。
Patty's and Molly's mothers are nice. 指両人的媽媽不同人,有二位用are.
Is Jimmy Justin's classmate?
ㄧ〉 Is jimmy Patty and Justin's classmate?
ㄧ〉Is Jimmy Patty and  my  classmate?
  No, she's not. She's not his classmate. She's his schoolmate.

Semester4 先修班練習卷


Section 1-Multiple Choice

1.__________ a newet in my underwear.

There is  /They're  /Theirs / Have

2. Are those _____ bicycles?

Yours /  mine/  ours / their 

3 No, I don't. I don't know ___ foreigners.

much / many /them / a

4 These are________.

his/ her /it /my.

5. I  ______   the answer.

Know/ listen/ play /homework

6. You take a shower______.

once a day/once a month / once a week/once a year

7. She's from______.

Taiwanese Thai Korea Chinese

8. Do you know a good English teacher? 

Yes, I do. I know _____.

English/it/one/the answer

9.I have to _____at home.

hit my mother/listen to my recording/my notes/homework

10. This is______.

hers /our /their /my

11. She and her friend___ as pretty as flowers.

doesn't/ don't /are  /likes

12. She wants to______.

get a drink/  a bicycle /some fruit /any soda

13. We like___.

cook   go shopping  penguins play Mahjong

14. We ___ the MR T to school.

talk take like are

15.She ___ to English class by motorcycle.

  rides drives walks comes

16__ you make dinner for your family?

  DO. Are Is How

17.How____ money do you have?

much many any some

18.How __ faces do you see?

  much many do are

19.___ often do you clean your room?

  Who What Can How

20.Do you want a new sweather? No, I don't. I don't want _____.

 it.   one.   them.  sweather

21.The woman is angry __it is a naughty monkey.

because for but of

22. Do you __ my name?

no/ imo/ know /now

23.He comes to English class ___.

by bicycle /walk /on her father's car /in her father's car

24. Is our teacher _____

Taiwan /Japanese/ China /Canada

25___ giraffes your favorite animals?

Does /What's /Why/ Are

26. My cousin is as ___ as my sister.

girls/ like/ with /strange

27. I have____ in class.

sit up straight /pay attenation a /friend /test

28.I go to the library _____.

 buy myself /buy bicycle /by myself/ by bread

29.Our teacher ___speak a little Chinese

knows /knows how/ knows how to /monies a lot of

30. Do you like to ___?

   cooks/ football /a compuer /climb a tree

31.Do you___ make a funny face in class?

  like see ever  a boy

32. I want some ___.

  draw and paint/ go swimming/  water /make cake.

33.No, we don't. My family __has  dinner together.

usually/ sometimes/ ever /seldom.

34. I  go to the elementary school ___a week.

fifth /one /five times/ five times

35.No, he doesn't He's doesn't ask me __ questions in class.

 a /some/ many /much/

36.Yes, I do. I ___ draw and paint in art class.

seldom/ usually/ rarely /never

37.My father ___ drives me to school.

isn't  /doesn't. /  is /takes

38. Monkeys ___ naughty animals

are /can /is /not

Section 2 Finish the sentences.

1.what do you do at___________. 

2 __________. as a  monkey.

3__________speak loudly  in class?

4 She takes a __________to school. 

5 __________American or Australian?

6  I like to__________.

7 I want a__________.

8  How much ___do you know?

9 __________with knife and fork.

10__________his face in the morning.

11__________once a month.

12. My mother and father are as______.

13.__________by yourself.

14. There's__________.

15. You__________at the train station.

16. You__________at the library.

17. You wash your clothes 

18. You go shopping at__________.

19. You__________.at church.

20. You buy food at__________ Market

21.__________ at a barbershop.

23. You save money at__________

24. He fixes__________.

25. It's warm and__________.


Section 3 

Fill in the blanks with "in" "on

1.School starts at 7:00__the morning.

2 We don't have English class__ Monday morning.

3 I study English____ Sunday.

4 We play Mahjong__the afternoon.

5I usually go to school___7:00.

6.The leaves fall to the ground__  November.

7. My mother washes her face___night.

8My birthday is___December fifth. 

Section 4 answer the questions.

1. Is there a spider above the lighter switch?

2.How many foreigners do you know?

3.How often do you borrow a book at the library?

4.How much candy do you want?

5 Why does your mother want you to learn English?

6. Does your family ever go to the movie toge ther?

7. Is science as interesting as computer class?

8. Does your mother ever watch television by herself?

9 What time do you usually have lunch?

10. What time does your mother usually get up in the morning?

Section 5 , written Questions根據回答寫出問題。

Red is my favorite color because it's lucky.
Our teacher is not Chinese or Canadian.
Mr. Chen teaches me English.
Yes, he does. He sits next to me
No, she doesn't. She doesn't take a bus to the supermarket.
Yes, it is. It's hers
No, she's not. My aunt is not as beautiful as my mother.
Yes, he does. My father sometimes uses a computer at work.
We have English class on Tuesdays and Fridays.
School starts at 7:45 in the morning.

Section 6-Translation


How do you get to school?

2 我喜歡早上做柳橙汁 

I like to make orange juice .


Do you like to go to night market with us,'?


Are those theirs.

5你在美國的親戚們多久來台灣一次 ?

How often do the America relatives come to  Taiwan?

6我的父親沒有像我們的老師那麼不禮貌 。

My father isn't as impolite as our teacher?


How's the weather?

8 他的祖父每一天在麵包店買一些麵包。

His grandfather buy bread at bakery everyday.


There is a red envelope in the living room.

10 他跟他的孫子一起坐計程車去公園


He and his grandson go to the park by taxi.

Semester3 big test Practice

Big test review
I.Write the Answers
1.How long do you usually sleep for?
I usually sleep for about eight hours.

2. How long does it usually take you to erase the whiteboard?

It usually takes me  3 minutes to erase the whiteboard.

3.Do apples taste as delicious as pears?

Yes they do. They're as delicious as pears.

4.What time do you usually leave home in the morning?

I usually leave home about 7 o'clock in the morning.

5. Does your father ever make you take out the


No, he doesn't.He never make you take out the


6How often do you review your English notes?

I review my  English notes every two days.

7.Should you ever be mean to your friends?

I should be mean to my friends.

8.who brings you  to English class?

My mom bring me to English school everyday.


II. Frill in the blank with the correct verb

(Is, isn't am, am not, are aren't, be, do, don't, does, does)

1.____ your mom ever make you take a shower in the morning.
2.My grandmother _____drive a car.

3. I____  as tall as my father.am

4. How long_____you usually watch TV for?do

5._______Mike as kind as your mom?is

6. ______you want to be a doctor when you grow up?do

7.My brother ____ a mean person.is
8.______you play Mahjong?can
9.______ you like your dad? Do 
10.He ____ thinks pork taste  good.doesn't
11We___neat writers. are

12.My classmates _____like to do homework.don't

 III.Correct the Sentences
Example: He doesn't like to eats pizza.
          You shouldn't angry with your mom.

1.There aren't any money in my pocket.isn't

2. I usually ride my bike  twenty minutes after school. about

3. I look like my brother. We both big ears and short hair.am
4.Are you like to listen to music?do
5.We usually take a nap lunch. after
6.It usually takes me about one hour do my homework.to

7.They are a lot of good students in our class.

8.No. I don't. I always hit my friends.never

9.Do you ever make you parents proud of you?your

IV.Make Questions and Answers

1. Should...?

Should you be mean to your friends?

2. Would...

Would you wan to some juice?

3. How often ...?How often do you review your homework?

4. How long for..

How long for you to write your homework?

5. as (adjective) as...?

Do you as smart as you mom?

V.Make Sentences

1. take.  it take me four hours to type my homework.

2. bring I bring my pecilcase to school.

3. carelessly  My father  is a carelessly driver.

4. shouldn't. You shouldn't take  A rest .

5. taste like. It taste good.

There is /there are

    There is a book under the chair.

There are many apples on the table.

convenience store (affirmative)- There's a convenience store near ACES.
Lazy students (negative) - There aren't any lazy students in our class.
1.dangerous sharks (af firmative)
3.buildings ( negative)
4 a cockroach(question)
6. an old  man (negative)

VI.Fill in the blanks with

( any, a lot of, some, a few, eight, a, nine),Use eaeh word only once.

1.There is_____airpollution in Taipei.( a lot of)

2. There are______convenience stores in my neighborhood. a

3 Is there___milk in your cup?( any)
4· There are ___pretty girls in my class at school.(a few)
5. There's___money in my pocket. ( some)

6.There are ______easy questions in this test.(eight)

Ps:  a little/little/a few /few some /any



some   V用於肯定句
any                               V             V(否定句或疑問句。)

                UCN.  CN       
   few.                  V  (affirmative)
a few.                  V.  (Nagtive)
a little.     V.            (Nagtive)
    little.      V.          (affirmative)

1) 簡單來說, few/ a few 後面加上可數名詞(Countable Noun), little/ a little 後面加的是"不可數名詞"(Uncountable Noun)

2) a few / a little 為肯定含義,還有一點
   few / little 為否定含義,沒有多少了。
3) a little = some but not much
   little = nearly no ... or nearly nothing
   a few  = some but not many
   few = nearly no ...
some 用於肯定句, any 用於否定句或疑問句。 
但是在期待對方回答 yes ,或是在勸人吃東西、請人幫助時,問句裡可用 some 。some 和 any 可以修飾可數名詞或不可數名詞。(代)Are there any students in the classroom? Yes, there are some.教室裡有學生嗎?是的,有一些。
Do you drink any water before bed? No, I don't drink any.你在睡前喝水嗎?不,我不喝。(請人吃東西)Would you like some coffee? Yes, please. 你要喝咖啡嗎?好的,謝謝。Some (= a few) friends came to my home yesterday.一些朋友昨天來我家。I need some (= a little) money to buy bread.我需要一些錢買麵包。(相關字)somebody 重要的人物、了不起的人

a few +可數名詞 (一些)

a little +不可數名詞 (一些)

I have a few pens.     I drink a little water.

few +可數名詞 (少許)  含否定意味      little +不可數名詞 (少許)

注意: few 比 a few 更少  意思為一點點幾乎沒有


Lesson 115 HomeWork

1. How often does your mother clean the house?

She cleans the house twice a week.

2. Is fall as warm as summer?

Yes, it is.  It’s as warm as summer.

3 Is there a CVS near your house?

Yes, there is.  There’s a convenience store near my house.

4. Do you ever go to the library? (曾經…在過去不明時間,用在問句)

Yes I do.  I usually go to the library.

5. How often does your mother go to the supermarket? (頻率)

She goes to the supermarket once a week.

6. How many girls are there in our class?

There are three girls in our class.

(there is.  存在…在某地方)

7. Is he right or wrong?

He’s wrong.

8. Does Max look tired? (Look+adj)

Yes, he does.  He looks tired.

9. What does Ron have to do in class?

He has to sit up in class.

10. Does our teacher ever make a mistake in class?

Yes, he does. He usually makes a mistake in class.

11. How many cousins do you have?

I have twelve cousins.

12. Are apples as delicious as oranges?

Yes, they are.  They are as delicious as oranges. 

13. Does your mother make you do your homework before you can watch TV?

Yes, she does.  She makes me do my homework before I can watch TV.

14. Where are you from?

I’m from Taiwan.

15. Where do you live?

I live on Da Zhi Street.

16. Do you feel comfortable? (Feel +adj)q

Yes, I do.  I feel comfortable.

17. Is there a chair under the clock?

Yes, there is.  There’s a chair under the clock.

 18. Do you ever make your mother angry?

Yes, I do.  I sometimes make my mother angry.

19. Is your English as good as Allan’s?

Yes, it is.  It’s as good as Allan’s.

20. How do I look?

You look happy.

21. How many days are there in September?

There are thirty days in September.

22. Does our teacher ever correct your pronunciation?

Yes, he does.  He sometimes correct my pronunciation.

23. Are these difficult questions?

Yes, they are.  They are difficult questions.

24. How do you feel?

I feel hot.

25. Does milk make you studying?

Yes it does. It  makes me studying.

26. Does Max ever make you cry?

Yes, he does.  He usually makes me cry.

27.What do you do tonight?

I have to do my homework tonight.

28. Can your mother make cookies?

Yes, she can.  She can make cookies.

29.How do you come to ACES?

I come to ACES on foot.

30.How many times do you have to tape the homework?

I have to tape it twice.

Semester3 sentence summary

Sentences 3 


positive sentence 裡,用於物品存在,但不知確切數量的時候。
any 則是用在否定的句子 negative sentence,用於和數量不太有關。

some 和 any 的差別在於後面可加可數或不可數名詞。

                 單數 不可數  複數   問句 否定  肯定
any                                               *         *         x
some.                                          x.        *.       *
a little.         x       *          x     
a few.                               *
few.                                  *
little.                     *

一點點(些些)也有區別(理頭接不可數,有feel 接可數)

A few people visit the museum.

a little+不可數名詞+動詞(單數)
A little oil is in the tank.(油箱中只有一點點油)


positive sentence 裡,用於物品存在,但不知確切數量的時候。any 則是用在否定的句子 negative sentence,用於和數量不太有關。

I want some apples.

What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
I usually wake up at 7:00 in the morning.
(問時間時用at? o'clock)

Is your sister as shy as you are?
Yes, she is. She's as shy as I am. (be動)
No, she's not. She's not as shy as l am.
I'm not as shy as she is.

How do you come to English class?
I walk to English class.
Do you come to English class by yourself?(自身)
Yes, I do. I come to English class by myself.
No, I don't. I don't come to English class by myself. I come with my mother.

Do you ever practice English with your mother?(曾經)

Where do you usually eat lunch?(eat)
I usually eat lunch at school.
I sometimes eat lunch at school, and I sometimes eat lunch at home.

Who do you have breakfast with?

I have breakfast with my friends.
I have lunch with my classmates at school.

Does your mother want you to do your best?(want to)

Yes, she does. She wants me to do my best.

Why does she want you to learn English?
She wants me to learn English because it's an international language.

What your favorite subject?
Art is my favorite subject because I like to draw and

What do you have to do in class?
I have to pay attention in class.
I have to sit up in class.
I have to speak loudly in class.
I have to speak clearly in class.

How often does your mother wash the clothes?
She washes them about three times a week.

What does your teacher do when you make a mistake in class?
He corrects me and makes me record when I make a mistake in class.

Do you ever make your teacher angry?
Yes, I do. I always make my teacher angry.
No, I dont. I never make him angry. I'm a good and attentive student.
Do vegetables make you healthy?
Yes, they do. They make you very healthy.
Does ice cream make you fat?
Yes, it does. It makes you fat, but it tastes good.

Do boring movies make you want to sleep?
Yes, they do. They make me want to sleep.

PLACES p22,~35

Where do you live?
l live on Minaheng East Road.
I ive on Nanjing East Road near McDonald's.

Do you ever go to the supermarket with your mother?
Yes, I do. I usually go to the supermarket with her.
No, I don't. I never go to the supermarket with her.

Does our teacher ever correct your pronunciation?
Yes, he does. He often corrects my pronunciation.
No, he doesn't.He rarely corrects my pronunciation.

Do you ever go to the supermarket with your mother?
Yes, I do. I usually go to the supermarket with her.
No, I don't. I never go to the supermarket with her.
Do you ever feel nervous in English class?
Yes, I do. I often feel nervous in English class.
No, I don't. I seldom feel nervous in English class.

How do you feel?
I feel great.
I feel tired.
l feel excited.

How does Ricky look?
He looks short.
2 How does the look?
look (adjeetive)
Yes, he does .He looks (adjective)
No, he doesn't. He doesn't look (adjective)

You look happy= You are happy
The music sounds good. = The music is good.
The food tastes disgusting.=The food is disgusting.

Key Point
The sensory verbs are like "be" verbs. They are often folowed by an adjectve
There's a convenience store near my house.
There's a temple next to my school.
There's a night market in my neighborhood.
There are thirty students in our class.
There are five people in my family.
There are a lot of chairs in our classroom
There are lots of trees on___ Mountain.
Are there any good books in the library?
Yes, there are. There are a lot of good books in the library.
Yes, there are. There are some good books in the library .
Yes, there are. There are a few good books in the
Yes, there are. There are____good books in the library.
Yes, there's one good book in the library.
No, there aren't. There aren't any good books in the library
No, there aren't. There are no good books in the library.


There's a park across from my school.
There are a lot of kids in the park today.
There's a zoo in Taipei.
There are a lot of animals in the zoo.
There's a bus stop in front of my house.
There are a few people at the bus stop now.
There's a supermarket next to the police station.
There are some policemen in the supermarket now.


Is there any money in your pocket?
Yes, there is. There's a lot of money in my pocket.
  a little 
No, there isn't. There's no money in my pocket
No, there's not. There's not any money in my pocket.
is she right or wrong?
She's right.
She's wrong.
I'm not sure.

1.Are you scared of sharks?
Yes, I am. I'm really scared of sharks.
2. Are you afraid of ghosts?
No, I'm not. I'm not afraid of ghosts. I don't believe in
3. What are you scared of?

afraid of
I'm scared of bugs.
I'm not afraid of anything. I'm very brave.
I'm scared of

Do your parents ever take you to the movies?
Yes, they do.They sometimes take me to the movies.
No, they don't. They seldom take me to the movies.
Take(noun)to a place)
Take + (noun)
May I take a piece of candy?
Yes, everybody can take one piece.
Yes, everybody can take two pieces.
Take (transportation) to (a place)
How does your father get to work?
He takes s taxi to work.
a train

.............summary up to p35
Who brings you to English class?
My mother usually brings me to English class.
Nobody brings me to class. I come to class by my self.
Do you always remember to turn off the lights when you go out?
Yes, I do. I always remember to turn them off when I go out.
No, I don't. I don't always remember to turn the lights off when I go out.
Do you ever forget to do your homework?
Yes, I do. I sometimes forget to do my homework.
No, I don't. I never forget to do my homewok.

Does your mother ever talk to your teacher?
She talks to my teacher when I have a problem.
No, she doesn't.She never talks to my teacher.
She's afraid to speak English.

Does your social studies teacher ever tell you stories about history?
Yes, he does. He often tell us  stories about history.


What would you like? =what do you want?
I would like a banana=.I want a banana.
I would like some grapes. = I want some grapes.
I'd like some watermelon. = I want some watermelon.
What would you like? = what do you want?
I would like a/an (SCN). = I want a/an (SCN).
I would like some (PCN). = I want some (PCN).
I'd like some (UCN)=  I want some (UCN).

Would you like a guava?
Yes, I would. I'd like one. Thank you.
No, thanks. I'd like a _____.

Would you like some strawberries?
Yes, I would. I'd like some. Thanks
No, thanks. I'd like some______.


Would you like some pineapple?
Yes, I would. I'd like some. Thank you.
No, thanks, I'd like some _____.
           ( UCN)

Would you like a piece of watermelon?
Yes, I do. I'd like a piece. Thank you.
No, thanks. I don't really like watermelon.

. How do carrots taste?
They taste delicious.
Yes, they do. They taste really disgusting.
No, they don't. They don't taste like oysters 

Where is your father?
Are you as tall as your brother?
Do you run quickly?
My father is at the supermarket.
I'm as tall as my brother
I run quickly

l don't run quickly.
I'm not as tall as my brother
My father isn't at the supermarket.


How does it take (somebody) to verb?

It takes (me him/her) time to verb.
verb  (somebody) time.

How long does it usually take you to do your homework?
It usually takes me about_____to do my homework.
leaves her house at 7:30 in the morning.


" be" is  the base form verb of 'is, am" and "are"
when do we use a base form verb?
We use a base form verb after to, can, should" and 'would" and the helping verbs " do ,does did and "doesn't".
1.Do you want to be a teacher when you grow up?
Yes Ido. Iwant to be a teacher when I grow up.
No, I  dont. I don't want to be a teacher when I grow up. I want to be a doctor.
No, I don t. I don't want to be a teacher when I grow up. I want to be a nurse.
I want to be a policeman
I want to be a businessmar
I want to be the President
2 Does your mother want you to be a good boy? (girl)
course, she does. She wants me to be a good boy.
3.Do you want to be the best student in your class?
Yes, I do. I want to be the best student in my class.
No, I don't want  be the best student in my class. I just want to do my best.
4. Let's pretend to be animals.
What do you want to be ?
I want to be a bear.

Do you want to be happy?
Yes, I do. I want to be (adjective)
No, I don't. I don't want to be (adjective).
Does your father want you to be diligent?
healthy polite
rude unhappy
Yes, he does. He wants me to be (adjective).

Is there a bookstore in your neighborhood?
Yes,there's a bookstore on____Road/Street,across from the 7 -11.
No, there isn't. There isn't a bookstore in my neighborhood. near my house.

I take a shower before I go to bed.
I eat breakfast before I brush my teeth.
What do you do before you go to bed?
I take a shower, brush my teeth and put on my pajamas before I go to bed. 
Do you usually eat breakfast before you go to school?
Yes, I do. I usually eat breakfast before I go to school.
No, I don't. I don't usually eat breakfast before I go to school. I usually buy my breakfast on the way to school and eat it at school.

How long do you (verb) for?
1. How long do you usually sleep for?
I usually sleep for eight hours.
2. How long do you sleep for on Saturday nights?
l usually sleep for ten hours on Saturday nights.
3. How long do you usually watch TV for?
I usually watch TV for about an hour a day.
4. How long do you practice the piano for?
l practice the piano for an hour each time.
No, he doesn't. He doesn't want me to be (adjective).

What do you do after you wash your face in the morning?
I eat breakfast after I wash my face in the morning?

Do you take a nap after you eat lunch?
Yes, I do. I take a nap after I eat lunch.
Do you take a shower after you put on your pajamas?
No, I don't . I don't take a shower after put on my pajamas. I puton my pajamas after my it take s shower.

2.Do you_____ after you_____?
Yes, I do. I_______ after__.  I ____ after___.

in the morning

1. Do you brush your teeth before or after you eat breakfast?
I brush my teeth after I eat breakfast.
2. Do you wash your face before or after you eat breakfast?
I wash my face before I eat breakfast.

We use "How long does it take...?" and "It takes.." for things

How long do you (verb) for?

1. How long do you usually sleep for?
I usually sleep for eight hours.
2. How long do you sleep for on Saturday nights?
l usually sleep for ten hours on Saturday nights.
3. How long do you usually watch TV for?
I usually watch TV for about an hour a day.
4. How long do you practice the piano for?
l practice the piano for an hour each time.
5. How long does your mother usually exercise for?
She usually exercises for half an hour
She never exercises
6. How long does your father usually work for?
He usually works for nine hours a day.

1.How Lon g do you usually review your English notes for?
I usually review my English notes for twenty minutes.
2. How long do you usually ride your bicycle for?
I usually ride my bicycle for about an hour
3. How long does your mom usually let you play video games for?
She usually lets me play video games for half an hour.
4. How long does your mom usually go shopping for?
She usually goes shopping for about two hours.


We can use 'many" with plural countable nouns in questions and but we usually use "a lot of" in affirmative sentences.

Are there many computers in your school?
Yes, there are. There are a lot of computers in my school.
No, there aren't. There aren't many computers in my school.
No, there aren't. There are just a few computers in my school.
No, there aren't. There aren't ANY computers in my school.
Are there many toys in your bedroom?
Yes, there are. There are a lot of toys in my bedroom.
No, there aren't. There aren't many toys in my bedroom.
No, there aren't. There aren't any toys in my bedroom
No, there aren't. There are no toys in my bedroom.


We can use "much" with uncountable nouns in
but we usually use "a lot of in affirmative sentences.

1. Is there much traffic on the highway on Sundays?
Yes, there is. There's a lot of traffic on the highway on Sundays.
No, there isn't. There isn't much traffic on the highway on Sundays.
No, there isn't. There's just a little traffic on the highway on Sundays
No, there's not. There's no traffic on the highway on Sundays.
No, there isn't. There isn't any traffic on the highway on Sundays.
2. Is there much crime in Taiwan?
Yes, there is. There's a lot of crime in Taiwan.
No, there's not. There's not much crime in Taiwan.
No, there's not. There's just a little crime in Taiwan.
No, there's not. There's no crime in Taiwan.
No, there isn't. There isn't any crime in Taiwan.
Is there much water in the swimming pool?
Yes, there is. There isn't a lot of  water in the swimming pool.
No, there isn't. There isn't much water in the swimming pool.
No, there's not.There isn't any water in the swimming pool.
No, there isn't. There's no water in the swimming poot


Lesson 68

1.Is it time to answer the homework?
  Yes, it is. It's time to answer the homework.
2.Are you ready to answer the homework?
    Yes, I am. I'm ready to answer the homework.
3.What color is your shirt?
    My shirt is yellow, blue an white.
4.Who's our English teacher?
    Jimmy is our English teacher.
5.Where's he from?
    He's from Taiwan.
6.Is he a nice man?
     Yes, he is. He's a nice man.
7.What color is his hair?
    His hair is black.
8. Are his eyes pink?
   No, they aren't. They're not pink. They're black.
9.Is he a healthy person?
    Yes, he is. He's a healthy person.
10. How old are you?
      I'm ten years old.
11.When's your birthday?
       My birthday is  on October twenty-first.
12. Are your shoes clean or dirty?
       They're clean.My shoes are clean.
13.What's your telephone number?
       My telephone is 0225332093.
14. Are they our classmates?
       Yes, they are. They're our classmates.
15. Is math a difficult subject?
       Yes, it is. It's a difficult subject.
16. Are science and social studies interesting subjects?
       Science is an interesting subject, but social studies is not an interesting subject. It's a boring subjects.
17. Are Patty and I weak students?
       No, you're not. You're not weak students.  You're strong students.

18. What color is our teacher's watch?
       it's gold. Our teacher's watch is gold.
19. Are elephants strong animals?
       Yes, they are. They're strong animals.
20. Is your mother a friendly woman?
          Yes, she is. She's a friendly woman.
21. Is that my notebook?
        Yes, that's is. It's your notebook.
22. What color is Justin's uniform?
        It's blue. His uniform is blue. 
23. Are you and I good friends?
         Yes, we are. We're good friends.
24. Is music class useful?
       Yes, it is. It's useful.
25. Are your mother and father friendly people?
         Yes, they are. They're friendly people.
26. Are we outgoing kids?
       Yes, we are. We are outgoing kid.
27. Is your nose big or little?
       My nose is little.
28. Is jimmy from Japan?
       No,he isn't. He's from America.
29. Are you ready to go home?
       Yes, I am. I'm ready to go home.