2018年1月10日 星期三

Grammar Structures Lesson(97~144)
1.as adjective as
Are you as tall as your teacher?
Yes, I am. I'm as tall as he is.
No, I'm not. I'm not as tall as he is.
2.ever verb
Does your mother ever cook dinner?
Yes, she does. She sometimes cooks dinner.
Yes she does. She cooks dinner every day.
No, she doesn't. She never cooks dinner.
3 What time+ verb
What time does school start in the moning?
It starts at 8:00 in the morning.
4. How often
How often does your brother play basketball?
He plays basketball five times a week.
He plays basketball twice a month.
He plays basketball every day.
He never plays basketball in my kitchen.
5 make + noun
Can you make a paper airplane?
Yes, I can. I can tmake a paper airplane.
No. I can't. I can't make a paper airplane.
6. make verb(bsf)
Does your mother make you learn English?
Yes, she does. She makes me learn English.
No, she doesn't. She doesn't make me learn English.
7. make+ adjective
How often do you make your teacher angry?
I make my teacher angry about once a week.
8. Is there a (SCN).?
Is there a book on your desk?
yes, there is.There's a book on my desk.
No, there isn't. There isn't a book on my desk.
9. Are there any (PCN)?
Are there any naughty students in our class?
Yes, there are. There are a lot of naughty students in our class.
Yes. there are. There are a few naughty students in our class.
No, there aren't. There aren't any naughty students in our class.
10. Is there any (UCN) ?
UCN 視同單數(is)但用any 不可接some 及 a few  及 few。
Is there any apple juice in your kitchen?
Yes, there is There is a lot of apple juice in my kitchen.
Yes, there is. There is a little apple juice in my kitchen.
No, there isn't. There isn't any apple juice in my kitchen.
11. How many (PCN) are there...?
How many books are there in your desk?
There are ten books in my desk.
There aren't any books in my desk.
12 feel +  adjective
Does your mother feel happy?
Yes, she does. She feels very happy. She doesn't feel happy.She feels sad.
13. look adjective
How does your English teacher look?
He looks good.
14 afraid of
What are you afraid,?
I'm afraid of ghosts.
15. scared of
Are you scared of Your father?
Yes, I am. I'm scared of my father.
No I'm not. I'm not scared of him.
16. take to (place)
Who takes you to school?
My mother takes me to school in her car.
17 bring
Da you always bring youn pencil case to English class?
Yes. I do. I always bring my pencil case to
English class.
18. favorite
What 's your favorite subjet?
English is my favorite srubject.
What 's your favorite fruit?
I like apples best.
19 have to verb
What do you have to do in class?
I have to pay attention in class.
20 How many times
How many times do you have to tape the home work?
I have to tape the homework five time.
21 get
How do you get to school?
I usually walk to school.
Does your mother ever talk to your English teacher?
Yes, she does. She sometimes talks to English teacher.
Does your teacher ever tell you to sit up?
Yes, he does. He often tells me to sit up.
24 would you like  +noun
Would you like to an apple?
Yes. I would. I'd like to one. Thanks.
25.would like to +verb
Would you like to go to a movie on Sunday?
Yes. I would. I'd like to go to a movie on Sunday.
26 verb to adverb
  Do you dance gracefully?
Yes, do. I dance gracefully.
27 verb+er,=person
  Are you a graceful dancer.
  Yes,I am. I'm a dance gracefully.
28 be +ever + adjective
Are you ever tired in Engtish class?
Yes. I am . I'm often tired in English class.
29 should + verb to be
Should you pay attention in class?
Yes. I should. I should pay arfention in class.
30.be like
Are you like your father?
Yes. I am  I'm like my father .We're both tall and handsome.
No. I'm not.  I'm not like my father. He's tall and kind, but I'm short and mean.
31. look like
Does Angel look like her sister?
Yes. he does. She looks a lot like her sister.
No,she doesn't. She doesn't  look like her sister.
32 think (that) + be  adjective/noun
Does your classmate think you're a nice person?
Yes,she does. She thinks I'm a nice person.
No, she doesn't .She doesn't think I'm a nice person.
33.think (that) be + as adjective as
Do you think that your father is as tall your English teacher?
No. I don't. I don't think that my fathen as tall as my English teacher.
34.think (that) verb
Do you think that Justin likes apples?
Yes, I do. I think he likes apples.
Does your friend think that Angela walks to school?
No, she doesnt .She doesn't think that Angela walks to school. She thinks that Angela rides her bike to school.
35. taste+ adjective
How does your dinner taste?
It tastes delicious.
36. How long does it take (you) to + verb
How long does it usually take you to walk to school?
It usually takes me about ten minutes to walk to school.
37 verb to be noun (Lesson 136)
Does Fred want to be a doctor when he grows up?
Yes, he does, He wants to be a doctor when he grows up.
No, he doesn't. He doesn't want to be a doctor when he grows up.
He wants to be an English teacher when he grows up.
38. verb to be adjective
Does your father want you to be hard-working?
Yes, he does. He wants me to be hard-working.
39. before
Do you eat your breakfast before you go to school?
Yes, I do. I eat my breakfast before I go to school.
No, I don't. I don't eat my breakfast before I go to school.
I usually eat breakfast when I get to school.
40 How long ...for
How long do you usually play video games  for  on Sunday?
I usually play video games for three hours.

41. should + adjective
Should you be late for class?
No, I shouldn't. I shouldn't be late for class.
What do you like to do after school?
I like to read a book after school.

