2018年1月6日 星期六


1205   HW52 answer.   Lesson 53
1208.          Translate.   Lesson 54
1212.            Oral test.   Lesson 55
1215.             Test.         Lesson 56 unit 2 quiz
1219  HW56 answer.     Lesson 57
1222   Translate             Lesson 58 
1226    oral test.             Lesson 59
1229      test                    (缺60)
0102                                  they
0105.  HW60 answer.   Lesson61 unit5
0109.   Translate           Lesson62   
0112    Oral test             Lesson 63 unit6
0116.    test                     Lesson 64

They ~0102

Are Emma and Yvonne friendly girls?
Yes they are They're friendly girls.
No  they're not. They're not friendly girls.
No,they aren't. They aren't friendly girls.
Emma's a friendly girls.,but__Yvonne isn't a friendly girls.
Are dogs good pets?
Yes they are. They're good pets.
No, they aren't. They aren't good pets.
Are your eyes green?
Yes, they are. They're green
Ne, they erent. They're black.
Are they your neighbors?
Yes, they are. They're my neighbors.
Ne they'renot. They're not my neighbors. They're my friends.

Lesson 61.  Class0105

Subjects (plural)

Are matth and science interesting subjects?
yes, they are. They're interesting subjects.
No, they aren't. They aren't interesting subjects. They're boring subjects.
Science is an interesting subject, but math is a boring subject.

Are you ready?
Yes, I am. I'm ready.
No,I'm not. I'm not ready.
Are you ready to learn English?
Yes, I am. I'm' ready to learn English.
No. I'm not. Im not ready to learn English.
Are you ready to go home?
Yes, I am . I'm ready to go home.

Lesson 62 adjective
Are you hot?
Yes, I am. I'm hot.
No, I'm not. I'm not hot. (I'm cold.)
No, I'm not. I'm a little cold.
Is it time
Is it time to learn English?
Yes, it is. It's time to learn English.
No, it's not. It's not time to learn English.
Is it time to go home?
Yes, it is. It's time to go home.
No, it's not. It's not time to go home. It's time to learn English.
Is it time to take a test?
Yes, it is. It's time to take a test.
No, it's not. It's not time to take a test. 
(It's time to answer th homework.)

Lesson 63
Plural Pronouns
You and I are friendly kids
Tom and I are good students.
You and Jessica are cute girls.

Bill and Rob are naughty boys.
Dogs are nice pets.
answer/ ask
Can you answer the homework questions?

Yes, I can. I can answer the homework questions.
No, I can't. I can't answer the homework questions.
Is your father a strong man?
Yes, he is. He's a very strong man.
No, he's not. He's not a strong man. He's a weak man.
Are elephants strong animals?

Yes, they are. They're very strong animals.

No, they're not. They're not strong animals. They're weak animal.

Is it time to ..?=Are you ready to..?

is t time to answer the homework questions?
                    -ask the homework questions?
Are you reaidly to answer the homework  questions?
  -ask the homework questions?
telephone  number
What's your telephone number?
My telephene number is 2756 4705.
My phene umber is 2603 8359.


Lesson 60
1. Where's your teacher from?
     I am from the R.O.C.
2. Am I tall?
Yes. you are. You're tall.
3. Is Patty a lazy girl?
No, She's not. She's not a lazy girl.She's a hard-working girl.
4. Is science an interesting subject?
    No, It's not. It's not a interfering subject
It's a boring subject.
5. Is math easy?
Yes, it is. It's easy.
6. Are you and I diligent students?
Yes, we are. We're diligent students
7. Are you and I teachers?
     No,we're not. We're not teachers. We're students.
8. Are Patty and Ariel naughty girls?
       Yes, they are. They're naughty girls.
9.  Is  Jimmy from the Republic of China?
     No, he's not. He's not from the R.O.C. He's from the America.
10. Are you and Emma silly students?
        Yes, we're silly students.
11. Are cats good pets?
      Yes, they are. They're good pets.
12. Is computer class useful?
        Yes, it is. It's useful.
13. Is P.E. a boring subject?
        Yes,it is. It's a boring subject.
14. Is " people  "singular or plural?
Yes, it is. It's plural.
15. Are you and I nice kids?
        No, we're not. We're not kids. We're big  big girls.
16. Is Patty Justin's classmate?
  No, she's not. She's not his classmate. She's his schoolmate.
17. Where are you from?
I am from The  R.O.C
18. Are you and Patty children?
Yes, You aren't'. We're not children We're big girls.
19. Are your eyes purple?
No, they're not. They're not purple. They're dark.
20. Is Patty your friend? Why? ( becaus )
    Yes, she is. She's my friend. Because she's diligent student.
21. Are we in the classroom?
      Yes, we are. We're in the classroom.
22. Are your feet big or small?
It's small.
23. What grade is Emma in?
I'm in the third grade of elementary school.
24. How old is he/she?
She's right years old.
25. Is art a difficult subject?
Yes, it is. It's a difficult subject.
26. Is music class important?
Yes it is. It's a difficult subject.
27. Is (teacher) from Canada?
Yes he is. He's from Canada.
28. What's this?
That's  a pen.
29. Is this homework easy?
     No , It's not. It's not easy. It's difficult.

