2018年9月21日 星期五

Semester3 大考練習卷解答

ㄑ2〉there be
ㄑ3〉how often
ㄑ4〉as adj as
1〉be 動詞與助動詞do does等句中不可並存。
3〉句中有動詞時,需用助動詞do does形成問句。
4〉what、 who 當主詞時不需助動詞do does。
延伸到動詞之後不僅接(1)名詞當受詞,接(2)形容詞 如同be動詞用法 ,接(3)動詞原形。
Section 1
Fill in the blanks with the missing word.
1. Who do you ___breakfast____?  (have , with)
2. Do you____ a lot of questions in class?(ask 或answer)
3. My sister ____ always lazy.(is )
4. Are ___many books on your desk?(there)
5. ___ she like to learn English?(Would)
6. English is my ____ subject.(favorite〉
7. I'm not as___as my English teacher.(tall)
8. Cookies ____ delicious.(are)
9. My mother sometimes__dinner.(cooks)
10. TV___ not as___ as computers.(is ,useful)
11. There____ a cherry on my mouse?(is)
12. How___  does your mother brush her teeth?(often)
13.My sister___ clearly.(speaks)
14____  there any students in the park?(Are)
15. I brush my teeth  ___  __ a day.(there times)
Section 2 Fill in the corre Use the word
(is, isn't, am, am not, are, aren't, do, don't, does, doesn't, can can't)
1.They____ afraid of ghosts The're very brave.  (are)
2. My mom ____ a good cook, so we don't like to eat at home.(isn't)
3.____  I a good student? (Am)
4.I ___ a lazy student I always study hard. (am not)
5. ____you ever tired in English class? (Are)
6. We ___like to study English. It's too difficult.(don't)
7.Where___ your father?(is)
8.______ you brush your teeth three times a day?( Do)
9. ____ your father drive to work in the morning?(Does〉
10. I____go to the party on Sunday. I have to do my hemework on Sunday.(can't)
11. Our English teacher __ like lazy student.(doesn't)
12. How____ you improve your English?( can)
Section 3
Sentence Correction 訂正
1. He don't  like to study English.
2. He wants go home.
3. He is does his homework every day.
4. Why do you go to school
1. Steve like to eat pizza.(likes)
2. She don't like to learn English.(doesn't)
3. Cookies is delicious.(are)
4. Who cook your dinner?(cooks,
5. There is a lot of animals in the zoo.(are)
6. There is an airplanes in the sky.(airplane)
7. I want play video games now.(to play)
8. Who do you like. (are)
9. How ofen do you study English?(often)
10. Is John ever watch TV?(Does)
11. Do you a fast swimmer?(Are)
12.There are a lot of book in the library.(books)
13.He's at supermarket.(the)
14. No, he doesn't. He doesn't never jogs in the park.(never不要,
15. Dan is happy now(缺句尾的奌)
Key 1  句型
Who do you ___breakfast____?
have dinner rat dinner用晚餐。
Do you have dinner with Emma ?
或What time do you usually have dinner with your family?
Cookies ____ delicious.(餅乾是可口的),用Be型,而且主詞用複數表示通稱。很典型的現在式。
How often... once a week twice a month等多久一次。
形+名詞: be as adj ad
動詞+受詞: cook dinner
There be+主詞:There is a  cherry....
English is my favorite subject.  主詞+Be動詞+形+名詞。
第2題do 問句缺動詞 必然用ask或 answer。
第5題 是動詞like 用do does。
Key 2
概念是do does與Be動詞的區別。
1)句中有動詞用do does,句中沒動詞,而且接形容詞用be動詞。
檢視所有句中有(1)Be動詞與(2)一般動詞(3)助動詞do does can 等交互作用,後二者搭配,藉以形成問句及否定句。而(1)本身就有此作用。
例如 ever(有時…)造句。
Is your mom scared of bugs?  (be型)
Do you ever ask many questions in class?(動詞型)

What time do you usually wake up on the morning?
How do you get yo school?
How often do you have English class?
有一特例就是who what 當主詞時,不須do does等助動詞。例Who teaches you English?
whom do you like/love?
who are you like (the most)?你(最)像誰?
Section 4
Make Questions and Answers
1. ever +adj.
Q: Ae you ever tired in English class?
A: Yes, I am.  I'm sometimes tired in English class?
2. ever + verb
Q:  Do tests ever make you nervous?
A: Yes, they do. They always make Mr nervous.
3. Should..
Q: Should you eat junk food?
A: Yes, I should. I shouldn't eat junk food.
4. Would
Q:Would you like some coffee ?
A: Yes, I would. I would like to some coffee.
5. verb +adverb
Q: Does Emma's father  dance well?
A:  Yes, he does. He dance well.
Section 5 answer the question(回答問題)
1.Are you as tall as your teacher?
A:Yes, I am. I'm as tall as him.
2.Does your friend answer the question well?
A:Yes, he does, He answer the question well.
3.What are you scared of?
A: I'm afraid of bugs.
4. Does your mother ask  you many questions in the morning?
A: Yes, she does. She ask me many questions in the morning.
5.Would you like to go home?
6.What does your friend usually bring to school?
A: He always brings a lot of toys to school.
7. What does your mother  make you do every day?
A: She make me clean the bathroom.
8.How do you get to school?
A: I walk to school.
Section 6  make sentence
1.take.  I always take many toys to school.
2. bring. My mom takes me to school
3. shouldn't. You shouldn't eat fat food.
4.carelessly. He drives carelessly.
5.look +adj.    Your coat looks great.
1 be as adj as
2 How often
3 助詞should  would can
4.how do you get to ..
5.there be
6. 形容詞+名詞
8. like /make/ look /want /bring /
Section 7
Make sentences with there is /there are
1.dangerous sharks (negative)
There aren't any dangerous Abramson the river.
2. garbage(negative)
There isn't  any garbage in the garbage can.
3.buildings (question)
Are there  a lot of building in Taipei?
4.money(affirmative )
There are a lot of money in my pocket.
5. an old man(question)
Is there an old man on the park?
I shouldn't sleep in class.
I usually take a bus to school.
How often do you play basketball?
Does your mother ever make you clean the bathroom?
There is a lot of fresh air in Taipei.
I'm not as diligent as Emma.
I listen to my English class recordings  ghee times a week.