2018年7月27日 星期五

 Semester 1 內容記錄
Notes lesson 30
Is it a rat?
No, It's not. It's not a rat. It's a dog.
No,it isn't. It isn't a rat. It's a dog.
It is not= It's not= It isn't
Is it an eagle ?
No, It's not. It's not an eagle. It's a airplane.
No,it isn't. It isn't an eagle. It's an airplane.

// Lesson 29
Is Patty a fox?
   No, she's not. She's not a fix.She's a person.
   No, she isn't. She isn't a fox. She's  a person.
Is Yvonne an alien ?
   No, she's not. She's not an alien. She's a person.
   No, she isn't. She isn't an alien. She's a person.
   she is not= she's not= she isn't

例:逗號後要空格,,而且要接小寫。(I am 例外)
I'm fine, thank you. (O)
I'm fine,thank you.(X)
I'm fine,Thank you.(X)

Are you a teacher? Yes, I am.
Am I a teacher? Yes, you are a teacher.

Yes, I am.不可縮寫。
Grammar check.
3.Yes, I am.不可縮寫,而No, I'm not.則可以。
5. 第一人稱(I am),在句中仍是大寫。
 例: Are you a teacher? Yes, I am.
       Am I a teacher? Yes, you're a teacher.
        You're. You're not =you aren't
        He's.    He's not =He isn't
        She's.   She's not =She isn't
7.簡答Yes,I am 不可用縮寫,其他可,否定可用I'm not。
8.符号"  ” 是指定某一特定單字。
How do you say "student "in Chinese?

Lesson 27 HW(0901)
ACES English School
1.How a_re you?
2. Are you a student?
3. What's his name?
4. Is _(teacher)_ a teacher? (Yes)
5. What's your name?
6. Are you a teacher?
7. Is____a person,'?
8. How do you say"____in  Chinese?
9. Am I a boy? (Yes and No X2)
10. Is it an air conditioner? (Yes)
11.Are you an infant?
12. What's her name?
13. Am I a girl? (Yes and No X2)
14. Is it a voice recorder? (Yes)
15, How do you spell " "?
16. Write the 28 new "Classroom Vocabulary" words in English and Chinese one time.

Lesson 27

Am I an insect?
Yes,You are. You're an insect.
No,you're not. You're not  an insect.
No,you aren't . You aren't an insect.You're a person.

我是昆蟲嗎 ?
不 ,你不是  你不是一個昆蟲。
// Lesson 27
Is Ivan a tiger?
No, He's not. He's not a tiger. He's s person.
No ,He isn't. He isn't a tiger.He's a person.
Is Ryan an alligator?
No, He's not. He's not a tiger. He's s person.
No He isn't. He isn't a alligator.He's a person
Ryan是鱷魚嗎 ?
不,他不是。他不是鱷魚,他是人 。

//Lesson 27
A:How do you say "student "in Chinese?
A:Thank you.
B:You're welcome.

Lesson 26(0829)
Am I  a monster?
No,you're not. You're not a monster.You're a person.
No,you aren't . You aren't a monster.You're a person.
You are not=You're not= You aren't

Lesson24 (0825)
//Are you a monkey?
No,I'm not.I'm not a monkey.
I'm a person.
Are you an infant?
No,I'm not.  I'm not an infant.
I'm a big boy.(big- adj)
a book
a notebook
an eraser
a pen
a pencil
a bookbag
a backpack
a pencil case
a door
a window
a white board
a computer
a screen
a projector
a clock
a desk
a chair
a floor
a ceiling
a light
a wall
a teacher
a switch
a voice recorder
an air conditioner
a test
a highlighter
A:How do you spell pencil?
B:Pencil, P-E-N-C-l-L,Pencil.
A:Please say it again.
B:Pencil,  P-E-N-C-l-L ,Pencil.
A:Thank you .
B: You're welcome.
Lesson23 notes
Is it an eraser?
Yes, it is.It's an eraser.

(即另一新本子當作correction book)

ACES English  home work (20170815)
1.What's your name?
My name's xXxX.
2.Are you a student?
Yes,I am . I'm a student.
3.What's my name?
Your name's xxx.
4.Am I a student?
 Yes. You are. You're a student.
5. Is____ a boy? (Yes)
Yes,he  is. He's a boy.
6. Is _____a girl? (Yes)
Yes,she is. She's a girl.
7. Is it a pencil?
Yes,it is. It's a pencil.
8. Is it an eraser?
Yes,it is. It's an eraser.
9.How are you?
I'm fine.thank you.
10.What is it? (Two answers: a, an)
It's a book.
It's  an apple.
11.How do you spell"book  " ?
book,B-O-O-K.  book.
a book
a notebook
an eraser
a pen
a pencil
a bookbag
a backpack
a pencil case
a door
a window

1你叫什麼名字? 我的名字是xxx
2你是學生嗎 對,我是 。我是學生。
3我叫什麼名字? 你的名字是xxx。
4我是學生嗎? 是。你是。你是一個學生 。
6(珊尼)是個女孩嗎?是的,她是。她是個女孩 。
7這是一支鉛筆嗎? 是的。這是一支鉛筆。
8這是一個橡皮擦嗎? 是的。這是一個橡皮擦。
9你好嗎 我很好,謝謝你。
10那是什麼(兩個答案:a,an) 這是一本書。 這是一個蘋果
11你如何拼寫“書”? 書,B-O-O-K。書
一本書 一本筆記本 一個橡皮擦 一支鋼筆  一支鉛筆 一個書包 一個背包 一個鉛筆盒 一扇門 一扇窗

Lesson 19
1. Hello! How are you?
2. What's your name?
3. Are you a student?
4. What's my name?
5.Am I a student?
6.What's his name?
7.What's her name?

Lesson19 ( homweotk)

1. Hello! How are you?
   I am fine. Thank you.
   You are welcome.
2. What's your name?
   My name's sunny.
3. Are you a student?
   Yes I am. I'm a student.
4. What's my name?
    Your name's Jimmy.
5.Am I a student?
    Yes, you  are. You're a student.
6.What's his name?
   His name's Eason.
7.What's her name?
   Her name's Ariel.

第 19課 Q英譯中
1.你好嗎!  我很好 謝謝。不客氣。
2你的名字是什麼? 我的名字是sunny.
3你是一個學生嗎?  是的我是。我是一位学生。
4我的名字是什麼 ? 你的名字是xㄨx。
5我是一個學生嗎?  是的你是。你是一個学生。
6 男生的他的名字是什麼? 男生的他的名字是xxx。
7女生的她的名字是什麼 ?女生的她的名字是xxx。

Lesson 19 -words
a ball.        an apple
a horse.     an elephant
a nose.       an igloo
a tiger.        an ox
a watch.      an umbrella

第 19課

Hello! Hello! How are you?
Fine, thank you.How are you?
Fine, thank you.


What is it?
It's a book.
It's an apple.
letter 字母

12sent. (我/你/他/她 所有格)
1 My name's xxx.    (my name is=my name's 發/z/
2.I'm a student.
3.I'm a boy (girl).
4.Your name's xxx.
5.you're a student.        (You're與幼兒擬音)
6. You're a boy (girl).
7.His name's xxx.
8.He's  A student.
9.He's a boy.
10.Her name's xxx.
11.She is a student.
12. She is a girl.

a boy    boys
a girl.    girls
a student. Students
a  teacher.  Teachers
a  bus         buses
A. cat.        Cats
a  doll.       dolls
a  pencil   A door
Point to.  Close. Open
Take out. Put away

如boys (n.) 男孩girls (n.) 女孩teachers (n.) 老師 ,
而Students /發ㄘ音


A a  apple  B b bus
C c cat       D d doll
E e egg      F f fish
G g goat    H h hat
I I igloo       J j jam
L l Lion     M m moon
N n  nut  O o ox
Pp pizza  Q q queen
R r rabbit S s snack.
T t tiger    U u up
V v vet.  W Web
X x box.    Y y yoyo
Zz  zoo

註:  whatname4QA. (所有格:你的我的他的她的)
Q1What's your name? (両人対談)
My name's xxx.我的名字是…
Q2What's my name?
Your name's xxx.  你的名字是…
Q3What's his name? (男第三人)
His name's   xxx. 他的名字是...
Q4What's her name? (女第三人)
Her name's  xxx. 她的名字是…

Notes (4QA)
Lesson 17
What's your name?
My name's______.
What's my name?
Your name's Jimmy.
What's his name?
His name's _______.
What's her name?
Her name's_____.
What's=What is
name's= name is

A: Please spell your name.
B:Jimmy. J-I-M-M-Y.
A: Thank you.
B: You're welcome.

How are you?
I'm fine.thank you.
Are you a student?
Yes,I am. I'm a student.



0 zero
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten
11 eleven
12 twelve
13 thirteen
14 fourteen
15 fifteen
16 sixteen
17 seventeen
18 eighteen
19 nineteen
20 twenty
21 thirty
22 fourty
23 fifty
24 sixty
25 seventy
26 eighty
27  one hundred


嗨 ! Jimmy 。

今天是xx月xxx日,  my name is xxx . 我今天要錄的是教室規則二十遍.


注意: 我今天要錄的是 how are you 二十遍. *  * 錄好後改檔名 寄 Jimmyt517rd@gmail.com

例:{檔名: 0519  How are you?x20}

Subject :0519



準備HW cycle

=::====Home work cycle(週期)=========

Cycle  有四項如下:

(1.) 上課教授單元內容  Lesson 19( @0801)
           例如: Lesson 19 (0801)要置中

1. Hello! How are you?

2. What's your name?

3. Are you a student?

4. What's my name?

5.Am I a student?

6.What's his name?

7.What's her name?


(2.) translate   (0808)
註: (0804上課時先作QA問答練習)
 A: 中文Q(老師) to 英文Q(學生)
 B: 英文A(老師) to 中文A (學生)
(3.) Answer the homework (0811)記得帶小藍本HW。
(4.) Home work test. (0815本單元驗收),考試。

1.小藍本專用 功課名要寫正中央。

Lesson19 ( homweotk)

1. Hello! How are you?
   I am fine. Thank you.
   You are welcome.
2. What's your name?
   My name's sunny.
3. Are you a student?
   Yes I am. I'm a student.
4. What's my name?
    Your name's Jimmy.
5.Am I a student?
    Yes, you  are. You're a student.
6.What's his name?
   His name's Eason.
7.What's her name?
   Her name's Ariel.

第 19課 Q英譯中
1.你好嗎!  我很好 謝謝。不客氣。
2你的名字是什麼? 我的名字是sunny.
3你是一個學生嗎?  是的我是。我是一位学生。
4我的名字是什麼 ? 你的名字是xㄨx。
5我是一個學生嗎?  是的你是。你是一個学生。
6 男生的他的名字是什麼? 男生的他的名字是xxx。
7女生的她的名字是什麼 ?女生的她的名字是xxx


今日已發回HW 的訂正本。老師訂了規定
要用新本子書寫(稱correction book),即下週要同時繳交此二本簿子。

2.文法錯誤 整句x5遍
3.翻譯題 中文x1遍及英文x5遍
文法訂正規則 : 若句子被打"X",則要訂正好的句子抄五遍。
1.小藍本專用 功課名要寫正中央。


What's my name? Your name's xxx.
What's your name?  My name's xxx.
What's his name?   His name's xxx.
What's her name?   Her name's xxx.

Am I a student?  Yes, you are. You're a student.
Are you a student? Yes, I am. I am a student.
Is he a student? Yes,he is. He's a student.
Is she a student? Yes,she is. She's a student.

A:Please spell your name?
B:Jimmy. J-i-m-m-y.
A:Thank you
B: You are welcome.Lesson20
It's a book.
It's an ABC book.
It's an apple.
It's a ball.

Are you a....?
Am I a ......?
Is he a.......?
Is she a ......?
Please spell your name.
You're welcome.

*名詞前有a/an或字尾+s或es  an apple , eggs。
*所有格+名詞 my teacher.
Y/N 問句 Be動詞置句首。
Are you a student?
I am = I'm
you are = you're
he is = he's
she is = she's.   規則如下:
am = 'm
are = 're

是両者合併後刪aeiou的一字母,欠字部份用" ’  ”補齊。
例 she is = (sheis )删i補豆号 即she's.

Phonics L6 L8L10自然發音練習

**發音 a&e的時侯 大家都很難分辨。
a 是嘴形向兩邊張開,舌頭向下頂及下巴向下。
 e 比較a時自然不用力 輕輕發音且時間短,下巴不動。
子a子型 發"ㄟ啊"如字母A+啊音("A啊")
bad had  man
A子e型   發字母A音+依音 (”A依")
Name  game ate  make
子e子型 發"e"  ,輕鬆発音如字母A音
bed  |ed
Ph 發/f/physical elephant
Ch church  /起/ Chinese watch chicken witch
Sh  /si/ship  sheep dish
CK  /k/ lock dock stick rock