2017年12月20日 星期三


How old are you?(年紀)
Who are you?(身份)
How much is it?(金錢)
What's your name?(名字)
Where are you?
What day is today? (星期)
What time is it?(時間)
Where's your father?(何處)
Is jimmy your father?
What is it?(何物)
Can you speak English?(會不)
Is  your school teacher young?
Is  your school teacher a young man?
What does she look like? (她的穿著打扮看起來怎麼樣?)
He is a student. > Is he a student? 
Q: Are you a student? 
A: Yes, I am I'm a student. 
(2.) 同樣地,在WH-問句中,如有BE動詞 也是直接將BE動詞往前提 
What's your name?
What is your job?
When are you going to school? 
How is your meal?
Which one is your favorite? 
但英文句中都一定要有主詞 動詞,所以一般動詞表達的情況下,就用BE動詞;就直翻為 "是"
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以上是Semester1 銜接下一級課程的摘要
Semester2 主要課程
(2)代名詞也有他們/它們的變化they You we.
These those 等
英文簡單學 – 複數名詞的變化
A. 名詞的複數,若為規則變化,般通常為單數形態加s,
seat – seats      (座位)
song - songs     (歌)
book - books     (書)
table - tables     (桌子)
skirt - skirts     (裙子)
bean - beans     (豆子)
若字尾為sh, ch, s, z , x結尾的名詞,則加es
dish - dishes     (盤)
watch - watches     (錶)
fox - foxes     (狐狸)
match - matches     (火柴)
box - boxes     (箱盒)
class - classes     (課堂)
若是子音 + y的字母,則去y加ies
baby - babies     (嬰兒)
city - cities     (城市)
country - countries     (國家)
story - stories     (故事)
industry - industries     (產業)
discovery - discoveries     (發現)
字尾是fe 或 f時,則字尾改為ves
knife - knives     (刀子)
wife - wives     (妻子)
leaf - leaves     (葉子)
shelf - shelves     (架子)
thief - thieves     (小偷)
scarf - scarves     (圍巾)
有些字尾是fe 或 f的字,字尾則加上s即可
belief - beliefs     (信念)
chief - chiefs     (首領)
cliff - cliffs     (懸崖)
roof - roofs     (屋頂)
字尾是o時,則有三種變化 :
zoo - zoos     (動物園)
piano - pianos     (鋼琴)
studio - studios     (工作室)
photo - photos     (相片)
tomato - tomatoes     (番茄)
potato - potatoes     (馬鈴薯)
hero - heroes     (英雄)
echo - echoes     (回音)
volcano - volcanos / volcanoes    (火山)
tornado - tornados / tornadoes     (龍捲風)
mosquito - mosquitos /mosquitoes     (蚊子)
zero - zeros / zeroes     (數字零)
B. 名詞的複數,若為不規則變化 -
child – children      (孩童)
foot – feet      (腳)
goose – geese      (鵝)
mouse – mice      (老鼠)
tooth – teeth      (牙齒)
one deer – two deer      (鹿)
one fish – two fish      (魚)
one sheep – two sheep      (綿羊)
one offspring – two offspring      (後代子孫)
one species – two species      (物種)
one aircraft – two aircraft      (飛機)
/p/, /k/, /f/ >>> s 發音 /s/
只有原本的字尾發氣音的ㄆ、ㄎ、ㄈ,它們後面接的 s,才真的用氣音的ㄙ來發音,一氣呵成!看例子比較清楚,最好是邊看這些複數的名詞、第三人稱單數的原型動詞邊唸唸看:
steps (n.)
books (n.) 書
clocks (n.) 時鐘
knocks (v.) 敲;敲打
bumps into (v.) 巧遇;撞見
pops up (v.) 彈起;接二連三地出現
talks about (v.) 談論;討論
sniffs (v.) 嗅聞
/b/, /g/, /v/, /l/, /r/, /m/, /n/, /ŋ/ >>> s 發音 /z/
只要字尾的音必須發出氣音以外的聲音,這邊的 s 就會不是氣音,而是接近 /z/ 的那個發音,也就是維持ㄙ的嘴型、想像蜜蜂或蚊子 zzzzz 叫的那個音,但是不要太強,那就是了。輕輕地、短短地唸這個音,試試看把這些單字字尾的 s 都這樣發吧:
cows (n.) 牛
bees (n.) 蜜蜂
boys (n.) 男孩
girls (n.) 女孩
teachers (n.) 老師
airplanes (n.) 飛機
shelves (n.) 書架;架子 (去f+ves)
ourselves (pron.) 我們自己(去f+ves)
rooms (n.) 房間;空間;餘地
brings (v.) 帶來,引來;促使,引起;提供;導致
borrows (v.) 借入;借錢,借用
conversations (n.) 交談,會話;交往,交際。
rules (n.) 規則,規定;統治,支配;章程
字尾讀音是 /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/, /ʒ/ >>> s (es) 發音 /z/
字尾唸起來像是ㄙ、ㄕ、ㄔ、ㄓ、ㄖ的單字,後面接的 s 也是發得比較接近 /z/,而且要視情況前面加上短短的 /ɪ/,也來唸唸看下面這些範例單字:
watches (n.) 手錶  (v.) 看;觀賞
washes (v.) 洗,清洗;浸濕
judges (n.)法官;裁判員;評判員;
treasures (v.) 重視;珍惜;珍視;儲存
faces (n.) 面容;表面;
字尾 ts 發音類似 ㄘ;字尾 ds 發音類似 ㄗ
因為 t 和 s 連在一起發音,就會很像ㄘ的音;而 d 和 s 連在一起就很像ㄗ,這部分最簡單,大家應該也最不會弄錯。
pants (n.) 褲子
ants (n.) 螞蟻
dots (n.) 點
rats (n.) 老鼠
celebrates (v. ) 慶祝;祝賀;舉行宗教慶典;歌頌
birds (n.) 鳥;禽
reads (v.) 閱讀,朗讀;顯示;研究;看得懂
friends (n.) 朋友,友人;資助者;助手
He is a student. > Is he a student?
Q: Are you a student?
A: Yes, I am a student. 
(2)同樣地,在WH-問句中,如有BE動詞 也是直接將BE動詞往前提 
What is your job?
When are you going to school?
How is your meal?
Which one is your favorite? 
但因為英文句中都一定要有主詞 動詞,所以在找不到一般動詞表達的情況下,就可用BE動詞;但如果真要說,可能就直翻為 "是"
文法疑問句型1:What's this?
問句:What+be 動詞+this(that…)?              答句:This(that…)+be 動詞+a   book 。 
what(什麼)叫做“疑問詞”,用於詢問“事物”,通常放在句首,後接 be <動詞>,再接<主詞>,第一個字母w要大寫,句尾要加問號(?),位置不可排錯。
What's this? This is a chair.  這是什麼?這是一張椅子。
What’s this? It’s a book.   這是什麼?它是一本書。What's that? That is a desk.  那是什麼?那是一張書桌。
  文法疑問句型2Are you a ...?
問句:Be 動詞(am,are,is)+主詞+…?
說明︰在否定<簡答句>中,<主詞>和 am,is,are 可以縮寫;在肯定<簡答句>中則不可。
Is he a student? Yes, he is. (No, he isn’t.)  
Are you a teacher? Yes, I am. (No, I’m not.) 
Is that a clock? Yes, it is. (No, it isn’t.) 
英文文法疑問句型3:What's your name?
<所有格>不可與 a,an,this,that,these 或 those 緊接一起使用。
What's your name? My name's Sue. 
What's his name? His name's John.  
What's her name? Her name's Jean.  
疑問句型4:What day is today?
問句:What day is today?
”it 可用於指“星期的名稱”,但 this或 that 不可以;一星期七天的名稱,都是<專有名詞>,開頭的首字母要大寫,前面不加<冠詞>。
What day is today? Today's Sundayunday.  
What day is it ? It’s Wednesday.  
What day is it? It’s Saturday. 
疑問句型5:How do you + V ...?
  How do you   spell"   book"?
  How do yo say it "  " in English?
What is this?
It is an eraser. 
this 是指示代名詞, 當問話人問 " this 這個 " 時, 他一定指 出了 'this" 是甚麼. 所以你只需要對著提問者的 " this 這個 " 回答 " 它 it " 是什麼即可. 
Semester 2
Are you and I people?
Where are you from?
Is your mother pretty?
Is Patty Justin's wife?
長音ee ea
feet teeth free peer read sheep jeep bee
teacher seat eat bean mean clean
長音/ai/ ugh i_e
mine fine bite site thigh right light fine kite write speak

尿 是屁(pee)  吐舌晒(thigh) side(曬得) site(曬特)

Semester 2 教材(notes)

Semester 2 教材
(2)Question bank (218)



HW60 上課進度表

1205   HW52 answer.   Lesson 53
1208.          Translate.   Lesson 54
1212.            Oral test.   Lesson 55
1215.             Test.         Lesson 56 unit 2 quiz
1219  HW56 answer.     Lesson 57
1222   Translate             Lesson 58 unit3 quiz
1226    oral test.             Lesson 59
1229      test                    Lesson 60
we  you. they (複數代名詞)
Where's your English teacher from?
Are your eyes green?
1222 (週五 )gift exchange
Lesson 57
Are you and (person)?
Are you and___ boys? (Make 3 Q A)1215
Yes, we are. We're boys.
No, we're not. We're not boys. We're girls.
He's a boy, but I'm a girl.
I'm a boy, but she's a girl.
Are you and I lazy?
No, we're not. We're not lazy. We're hard-working.
No, we aren't. We aren't lazy. We're diligent
I'm lazy, but she's diligent.
She's lazy, but I'm not lazy.
Are you and___ shy children?
Yes, we are. We're shy children.
No, we're not. We're not shy children. We're outgoing child.
He's a shy child, but I'm an outgoing child.
I'm a shy child, but he's an outgoing child.
Lesson 58
You (plural)
Are Fred and I adults?
Yes, you are. You're adults.
No, you're not. You're not adults. You're children(kids).
You're an adult, but Fred is a child.
Fred is an adult, but you're a kid.
Are we energetic today? (must point)
Yes, you are. You're very energetic today
No, you aren't. You aren't energetic today. You're tired today.
Are Jenny and I good students?
Yes, you are. You're good students.
No, you aren't. You aren't good students. You're bad students
You're a good student, but Jenny is an average student.
Jenny's a good student, but you're a bad student.
Where's (person) from?
Where's your English teacher from?
He's from America
Where's Dan from?
He's from Canada
Is ____ from Australia?
No, he's not. He's not from Australia.
He's from America.
 a country / counties
America (the USA/the Us)
Lesson 59
Subjects - adj  (Reading詳handout)
Is math difficult?
Yes, it is. It's pretty difficult.
No, it's not. It's not difficult. It's easy.
Is art interesting?
Yes, it is. It's very interesting.
No, it isn't. It isn't interesting. It's a little boring.
Subjects- a/an adi. (noun)
Is social studies an important subject?
Yes, it is. It's an important subject
No, It's not. Its not an important subject. It's an unimportant subject.
Is music class a useful subject?
Yes, it is. It's a useful subject.
No, it isn't. It isn't a useful subject.
Are A and B friendly girls?
Yes they are They're friendly girls.
No  they're not. They're not friendly girls.
No,they aren't. They aren't friendly girls.
____'s a friendly girls.,but____ isn't a friendly girls.
Are dogs good pets?
Yes they are. They're good pets.
No, they aren't. They aren't good pets.

Are your eyes green?
Yes, they are. They're green
Ne, they erent. They're black.
Are they your neighbors?
Yes, they are. They're my neighbors.
Ne they'renot. They're not my neighbors. They're my friends.